Gene Splicing Definition To understand alternative splicing, first gene splicing needs to be defined. Genetic code in the form of DNA is transcribed to RNA so that it can then be translated to proteins. Once RNA is created, there are several steps before the RNA is translated to protein, one...
Alternative splicing is a process that enables a messenger RNA (mRNA) to direct synthesis of different protein variants (isoforms) that may have different cellular functions or properties. It occurs by rearranging the pattern of intron and exon elements that are joined by splicing to alter the mRN...
More work is required to elucidate exactly how alternative splicing factors act to modulate the outcome of the splicing processdoi:10.1016/S1569-2582(96)80111-5David S. LatchmanPrinciples of Medical Biology
所属专辑:细胞生物学名词解释 音频列表 1 选择性通透屏障(selectively permeable barrier) 22 2018-10 2 选择性RNA剪接(alternative RNA splicing) 47 2018-10 3 选择素(selectin) 34 2018-10 4 信号转导(signal transduction) 52 2018-10 5 信号序列(signal sequence) ...
The splicing of alternative 5′ splice sites in the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) 2C receptor is also controlled by a small RNA, HBII-52, that is similar in structure to small nucleolar RNAs and that base pairs to a regulatory sequence in the exon. Many important aspects of splicing ...
2016. Spatio-temporal regulations and functions of neuronal alternative RNA splicing in developing and adult brains. Neurosci. Res. 109, 1–8. In fear conditioning experiments, after repeated association of an electric shock with a particular sound rats responded to the sound alone and this was ...
There are a large number of splicing genes in higher eukaryotic genome,but these mRNA is of non-splicing structure.RNA splicing means removing introns in the transformation process.RNA splicing,especially variable RNA splicing,is an important part of regulation of eukaryotic gene expression.The paper...
Here, we used deep RNA-Seq data from 16 human and eight mouse tissues to analyze the regulation and evolution of NAGNAG splicing. Using both biological and technical replicates to estimate false discovery rates, we estimate that at least 25% of alternatively spliced NAGNAGs undergo tissue-...
paradigm in the field of RNA splicing is that usage of alternative splice sites is often controlled by the relative concentrations of specific SR proteins and hnRNP proteins [49–52]. This functional antagonism between particular SR and hnRNP proteins is often due to competition for binding of ...
Here, we compare the RNA editing and alternative splicing of the nAChR alpha6 subunit genes from different insects spanning ~300 million years of evolution– Drosophila melanogaster, Anopheles gambiae, Bombyx mori, Tribolium castaneum and Apis mellifera. The conserved and species-specific A-to-I RNA...