I would like to create a table in Excel Windows 10 that using a formula to automatically show weekday names with dates (month/day/year) and includes every other Saturday beginning with the date of 4/... As variant with ,1,1+ISEVEN(INT(WORKDAY.) Dianna Siderio You can use a...
Preparation and characterization of the photovoltaic solar cells A patterned indium tin oxide-coated glass with a sheet resistance of 10–15 Ω per square was cleaned by a surfactant scrub followed by a wet-cleaning process inside an ultrasonic bath beginning with de-ionized water, acetone and ...
Under the influence of an alternating magnetic field, flow and heat transfer of a ferrofluid flow over a flexible revolving disc are examined. The flow is hampered by the external magnetic field, which is dependent on the alternating magnetic field's frequency. The current work examines the heat...
to make the 2Dsheet structure (Fig. 2). Interestingly, the structure shows alternate right- and left-handed helical chains extending along the crystallographic b axis (Fig. 2). The helical structure is a result of metal–ligand interactions coupled with stereoelectronic ...
Analysis of anisotropy sheet material damage was performed using a symmetric tensor of damage D of the second order. In the case of uniaxial stress is not equal to zero only the sole component of this tensor. This component D was defined by the formula is the elastic modulus of intact ...
=WORKDAY.INTL(C2,1,1+ISEVEN(INT((WORKDAY.INTL(C2,1,1)-$C$2)/7))*10) SergeiBaklan While I do not understand the formula, the table works and I thank you so much for your help. Dianna Siderio, you are welcome. With WORDAY.INTL we add to each previous date (first par...
Analysis of anisotropy sheet material damage was performed using a symmetric tensor of damage D of the second order. In the case of uniaxial stress is not equal to zero only the sole component of this tensor. This component D was defined by the formula D = 1- E E0 , where E 0 is ...