1. the state of being conscious; awareness. 2. the thoughts and feelings, collectively, of an individual or of an aggregate of people. 3. full activity of the mind and senses, as in waking life: to regain consciousness. 4. awareness of something for what it is; internal knowledge: ...
In essence, one’s mental state iseverythingwhen it comes to altered states of consciousness. How Do I Make the Most of My Altered State Experience? Going into an altered state is nothing weird. You do it all the time. The question is whether you use the altered state to produce change...
does not make it fake takes years to make something change its color like that . And it takes an idiot to actually say the bulshit he just said just because it’s not in its original state does not mean it’s a fake Reply Davidsays: September 7, 2017 at 2:19 PM Hi Dan, Since t...
In classes I and IIc, we observed five bound pore-1 loops and one unbound pore-1 loop in D1 and six bound pore-1 loops in D2, an arrangement found in the high-affinity state of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpB26. In many AAA+ structures, only the pore loops of ATP-bound subunits ...
I wrotea few months agoabout a precognitive dream I had related to a 1967Star Trekepisode called “The Apple,” about an ancient planetary computer named Vaal, which keeps the primitive humanoids who feed and service it in a state of ignorance and innocence. “The Apple” was typical of ...
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near ')'. Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near 'A'. so I had a play with it and this now works for me. ALTER PROCEDURE CrossTab3 (@SQL VARCHAR(8000), ...
1F), indicating that the activated energetic response may be an acute adaptation during the early stage of trauma and that energy exhaustion may occur in the later stage of acute neuronal trauma, thus mimicking a chronic neurodegenerative state. Evidence related to glaucoma, a chronic optic nerve ...
There's an outfit in Washington state that's about to build some full-scale P-26 replicas...occurred to me that painting one like a Fly Baby would be only fair. Invoking the Demon One of our happy crowd likes to think about "Boche Baby" versions of the Fly Baby biplane. Recently, ...
In addition, given the contrasting profiles of hypo- and hyperexcitability in Nex-cKO and Dlx-cKO mice, respectively, the state of circuit excitability in constitutive loss-of-function models of CDD remains to be further characterized. Indeed, previous studies have revealed changes in synapse ...
In contrast to stool microbiota, the MLI microbial community is in direct contact with the site of inflammation and is therefore likely to be directly involved in the initiation and maintenance of the diseased state. To understand the interactions between the intestinal microbiome and the host, we...