'whereid=1828;1row updated.--session 2SQL>alterindexidx_rb_test rebuild; ##这时候rebuild报错alterindexidx_rb_test rebuild*ERROR at line1:ORA-00054: resource busyandacquirewithNOWAIT specifiedortimeout expired--session 1SQL>commit;Commitcomplete.--session 2SQL>/##执行成功Indexaltered 3 在索引...
On the other hand, while rebuilding the index without online option, Oracle will grab the index in X-mode and rebuild a new index segment by selecting the data from the old index. So here we are not allowing any DML on the table hence there is no journal table involved and it is doin...
select 'alter index '||OWNER||'.'||index_NAME||' rebuild tablespace tablespace_name;' from dba_indexes where OWNER='USERS'; select 'alter table '||OWNER||'.'||TABLE_NAME||' move tablespace tablespace_name;' from dba_tables where OWNER='USERS'; Oracle table move tablespace操作总结: 1...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsYou receive the following error during ALTER INDEX REBUILD or ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION REBUILD LOCAL INDEXES ORA-01652: Unable to extend temp segment by %s in tablespace ...
ALTER INDEX -- DROP -- PARTITION -- REBUILD | -- RENAME | -- MODIFITY | -- SPILT | -- PARALLEL -- UNUSABLE 1、ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION 用于删除table中某个PARTITION和其中的数据,主要是用于历史数据的删除。如果还想保留数据,就需要合并到另一个partition中。
ALTER INDEX REBUILD命令是Oracle数据库中用于重建索引的命令。索引是数据库表中一列或多列值的集合,用于快速检索数据。随着数据的插入、删除和更新,索引可能会变得碎片化,这会影响查询性能。ALTER INDEX REBUILD命令可以重新组织索引的存储结构,从而提高查询效率。
(2)在该用户下创建一个journal table 来保存在rebuild期间的增量数据。 该表明名称: sys_journal_<object_id>. 如果异常结束online rebuild操作,那么oracle就没及时清理journal table和ind$的flags标志位,系统会认为online rebuild还在操作。当然SMON 进程会来处理这些临时段。 在maclean 同学(10g,11g OCM)的Blog里...
On the other hand, while rebuilding the index without online option,Oracle will grab the index in X-mode and rebuild a new index segment by selecting the data from the old index.So here we are not allowing any DML on the table hence there is no journal table involved and it is doing ...
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name; 例如: ALTER TABLE sales DROP COLUMN country; 这个命令将删除表“sales”中名为“country”的列。 3.更改索引 要修改索引,可以使用如下语法: ALTER INDEX index_name REBUILD; 例如: ALTER INDEX sales_index REBUILD; 这个命令将重建名为“sales_index”的索引...
ALTER INDEX [schema.]index REBUILD [PARAMETERS ('rebuild_params [physical_storage_params]' ) ] [{ NOPARALLEL | PARALLEL [ integer ] }] ; または ALTER INDEX [schema.]index REBUILD ONLINE [PARAMETERS ('rebuild_params [physical_storage_params]' ) ] [{ NOPARALLEL | PARALLEL [ integer ] }...