两者重建索引时的扫描方式不同,rebuild用的是“INDEX FAST FULL SCAN”,rebuild online用的是“TABLE ACCESS FULL”; 即rebuild index是扫描索引块,而rebuild index online是扫描全表的数据块. 测试过程 SQL> create table t1 as select * From emp; Table created SQL> CREATE INDEX i_empno on T1 (empno);...
alter index rebuild online实质上是扫描表而不是扫描现有的索引块来实现索引的重建 alter index rebuild 只扫描现有的索引块来实现索引的重建。 我们可以用10046事件来发现这个现象。 一 先看alter index rebuild: SQL> conn 请输入用户名: wwf/wwf 已连接。 SQL> drop table wwftest; 表已丢弃。 SQL> create ...
alter INDEX SCOTT.T_P_IND REBUILD PARTITION SYS_P116;test1 #drop table test1 purge; create table t1 as select * from t; SCOTT > select a.TABLE_NAME,segment_name,bytes/1024/1024 from user_tables a,dba_segments b where a.TABLE_NAME=b.segment_name and a.table_name='T1' and owner='S...
For example – in the below command I’m rebuilding all indexes for the HumanResources.Department table:ALTER INDEX ALL ON HumanResources.Department REBUILD;So I received a few questions on this topic which I’ll detail here – along with the query I used to “prove” out the answers (and...
一 先看alter index rebuild: SQL> conn 请输入用户名: wwf/wwf 已连接。 SQL> drop table wwftest; 表已丢弃。 SQL> create table wwftest as select * from all_objects where rownum < 20000; 表已创建。 SQL> create index ind_wwftest on wwftest(object_id) tablespace idx_ts; ...
When you rebuild an XML index or a spatial index, the options ONLINE = ON and IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON are not valid. If ALL is specified and the underlying table is a heap, the rebuild operation has no effect on the table. Any nonclustered indexes associated with the table are rebuilt. ...
ALTER INDEX { index_name | ALL } ON [ schema_name. ] table_name { REBUILD { [ PARTITION = ALL [ WITH ( <rebuild_index_option> ) ] ] | [ PARTITION = partition_number [ WITH ( <single_partition_rebuild_index_option> ) ] ] } | DISABLE | REORGANIZE [ PARTITION = partition_number...
IndexOptions 方法 AlterTableAlterPartitionStatement AlterTableChangeTrackingModificationStatement AlterTableConstraintModificationStatement AlterTableDropTableElement AlterTableDropTableElementStatement AlterTableFileTableNamespaceStatement AlterTableRebuildStatement AlterTableSetStatement AlterTabl...
ALTER INDEX { index_name | ALL } ON [ schema_name. ] table_name { REBUILD { [ PARTITION = ALL [ WITH ( <rebuild_index_option> ) ] ] | [ PARTITION = partition_number [ WITH ( <single_partition_rebuild_index_option> ) ] ] } | DISABLE | REORGANIZE [ PARTITION = partition_number...
Please refer toALTER TABLEfor a complete description of this clause. allocate_extent_clause Theallocate_extent_clauselets you explicitly allocate a new extent for the index. For a local index on a hash-partitioned table, Oracle Database allocates a new extent for each partition of the index....