Etymology Middle English alphabete, from Late Latin alphabetum, from Greek alphabētos, from alpha + bēta beta First Known Use 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a Time Traveler The first known use of alphabet was in the 15th century See more words from the same century Phra...
the English alphabet is composed of fivevowels(letters representing speech sounds formed exclusively with an open airway) and 21consonants(letters representing speech sounds formed with the tongue, teeth, and lips), for a total of 26 letters. Together, vowels and consonants formsyllablesin speech. ...
Define alphabetically. alphabetically synonyms, alphabetically pronunciation, alphabetically translation, English dictionary definition of alphabetically. also al·pha·bet·ic adj. 1. Arranged in the customary order of the letters of a language. 2. Of,
Word History First Known Use 1691, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Time Traveler The first known use of alphabetize was in 1691 See more words from the same year Dictionary Entries Near alphabetize alphabetization alphabetize alphabet length See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry ...
alphabet meaning, definition, what is alphabet: a set of letters, arranged in a particul...: Learn more.
Despite the conflict in theories, scholars are generally agreed that, for about 200 years before the middle of the 2nd millenniumbce, alphabet making was in the air in the Syro-Palestinian region. It is idle to speculate on the meaning of the various discoveries referred to. That theymanifest...
The meaning of a word can shift drastically depending on its context. "Light," for example, can refer to illumination, weight, or even a shade of color. Expanding Your Vocabulary: A robust vocabulary is a cornerstone of effective communication. By diligently studying "L"...
英文字母代号的含义(ThemeaningoftheEnglishalphabetcode) Theletter"Aa"-pictographicheadreferstotheman,head, Yuforward ThefirstletterinEnglishfromthealookedlikea"head" (head).Commonlyusedtoreferto(man),man(man)inaword ina,andthefirstletterofthemanmXiangshan,alsoonbehalf ofastrongman,alsomale(male).Ther...
“transcript, not of mere fact, but of fact in its infinitely varied forms.” But such definitions assume that the reader already knows what literature is. And indeed its central meaning, at least, is clear enough.Derivingfrom the Latinlittera, “a letter of the alphabet,” literature is ...
This means that whenever a character's pronunciation starts withyorw, you can treat it as how you would pronounceioru. That is to say, theyandware just there to help you distinguish whether it's a complete character (e.g.易yì, meaning "easy" and无wú, meaning "none") or a vowel so...