1 : the letters of a language arranged in their usual order 2 : a system of signs or signals that serve as equivalents for letters Etymology Middle English alphabete "alphabet," derived from Greek alphabētos "alphabet," from alpha and bēta, the first and second letters of the Greek ...
The meaning of ALPHABETIC is arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet.
ofalphabetsoupagencieswas inharness.•Look at thealphabetsemaphorechartto find out where to place yourflags.•And then we all gavethanksthat there are only 26 letters in thealphabet.•RobertWoodsadoptsa newapproachtoteachingthealphabet.•The kine isanalogousto a letter in theverbalalphabet....
The x-height is the height of most lowercase letters in the Latin alphabet, and makes up nearly all of the printed marks on a page. FromBBC Word of the Day January 03, 2025 resplendent [ri-splen-duhnt] Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox!
a symbol or character that is conventionally used in writing and printing to represent a speech sound and that is part of an alphabet. a piece of printing type bearing such a symbol or character. a particular style of type. such types collectively. Often letters. a formal document granting ...
sotheathatrepresentstheheadof thepersoncanalsorefertotheforward,suchasadvance (forward). LettersB,B-itemsthataresmallandsmallinshape,refer tobrooms,sticks,andbigstomachs TheEnglishalphabetBispictographicsmallunderthelarge items,liketheshapeofabroom,bludgeon,bigbelly,sticks andothersmallgreatthings,therefore,...
英文字母代号的含义(The meaning of the English alphabet code).doc,英文字母代号的含义(The meaning of the English alphabet code) The letter A a - pictographic head refers to the man, head, Yu forward The first letter in English from the a looked like a
英语26字母寓意(English26lettermeaning) Alphabetwritingsong Letterswritteninspecifications,leftleaningtofivedegrees, aresuitable. Uppercaseistwouppercase,notoplineisprinciple. Therearetwobraidsonthehead,(B,D,h,K); Theendofthefollowingtwoghetto,(g,Q,y); Nobraidtailincompartment,(a,C,e,m,N,O,R,...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics:Letters & punctuational‧pha‧bet‧i‧cal/ˌælfəˈbetɪkəl◂/●●●W3(alsoalphabetic/ˌælfəˈbetɪk◂/)adjectiverelatingto thealphabetThe files are arrangedin alphabetical order.—alphabetically/-kli/adverb...
We will also note that the remaining 19 letters of the English alphabet give up the Mathematical Code of the Holy Qur’an’s Revelation, and there are 19 letters in the spelling of his name, Master W. Fard Muhammad. “These are they whose hearts and ears and ...