Mannosidase, Alpha, Class 1 (MAN1A1 (Golgi Alpha-Mannnosidase IA), Man1A2 (Golgi Alpha-Mannosidase IB), MAN1B1(ER Alpha-Mannosidase I), MAN1C1 (Golgi Alpha-Mannosidase IC)) The maturation of N -glycans is initiated within the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) immediately after ...
(Golgi ManIA, also called Man9-mannosidase), a ubiquitous protein that belongs to the family of class I α-1,2 mannosidases which includes the ER α-mannosidase I (MAN1B1) and two other Golgi α1,2-mannosidases,Golgi α-mannosidase IB [MAN1A2], and Golgi α-mannosidase IC [MAN1C1]...