日本惠州上海无铅焊锡膏ECO SOLDER PASTE M705-S101ZH-S4无卤 深圳市新诚丰工业材料有限公司 第18年 广东 深圳市宝安区 主营产品: 无铅焊料 无铅焊锡条 无铅焊锡丝 无铅焊锡膏 无铅焊锡报价 焊锡线 免洗锡线 锡线 锡条 焊锡条 高温锡条 焊锡条报价 焊锡膏 SMT锡膏 环保助焊剂 镀镍锡丝 镀锡铜线 焊锡材料 千住...
Alpha锡膏OM340EN规格书英⽂版 ALPHA ?OM-340 - N O -C LEAN , L EAD -FREE S OLDER P ASTE F INE F EATURE , Z ERO H ALOGEN 1, L OW H EAD IN P ILLOW D EFECT , H IGHLY P IN T ESTABLE DESCRIPTION ALPHA OM-340 is a lead-free, no-clean solder paste designed for a ...
Alpha Solder Paste Alpha high-performance solder paste for reliable, repeatable soldering success. There's comfort in knowing your choice of product will perform as expected, repeatedly. Alpha solder paste gives you the reliability you count on for delivering high throughput, elevated yields and reduc...
ALPHA OM-353 Solder Paste美国阿尔法锡膏焊锡膏SAC305 SMT焊膏 复购率: 1年 ¥316.0成交0笔 深圳市 ALPHA OM338无铅焊锡膏SAC305阿尔法含银环保高温锡桨OM338 复购率:40% 10年 ¥400.0成交0笔 北京市 爱法ALPHAOM-350 阿尔法SAC305无铅焊锡膏免清洗锡膏 ...
ALPHA® Solder Paste
The ALPHA WS-820 is a Series WS-820 lead-free solder paste . The ALPHA WS-820 Features: Excellent print volume and print volume repeatability down to 12 mil (0.3mm) features Able to spread and wet using straight ramp or soak reflow profiles in air ...
Low-alpha solder paste and powder with low α particle emission rate (LA < 0.01 cph/cm2) are prepared by ultra pure process. Reducing the α particle emission rate of the solder product is of great significance for improving the reliability of digital c
ALPHA OM-372 is compatible with type 5 and 6 powders to enable excellent print and reflow attributes on the smallest feature sizes. This paste exhibits >90% transfer efficiency and superior print process stability with Cpk >2.00 on 008004 packages with 80x130µm pad sizes. ...
ALPHA OM-353 solder paste is an industry leader for electrochemical performance in the most stringent applications. This solder paste is capable of maintaining Log SIR>8 on harsh condensing environments such automotive damp heat profiles, 1000 hr extended advanced SIR profiles, and against IPC-J-STD...
enhancing the welding process and reducing the need for additional cleaning. **Reliable and Convenient** The Alpha OM-340 Original Solder Tin Paste is a reliable choice for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike. Its no-clean feature means that once the soldering is complete, there is no need...