Low-alpha solder paste and powder with low α particle emission rate (LA < 0.01 cph/cm2) are prepared by ultra pure process. Reducing the α particle emission rate of the solder product is of great significance for improving the reliability of digital c
because low-energy alpha particles can now flip a memory bit or change the timing of a logic circuit. One of the main sources of alpha particle radiation is the solder paste used to connect components in the package, which contains alpha radioactive elements. ...
because low-energy alpha particles can now flip a memory bit or change the timing of a logic circuit. One of the main sources of alpha particle radiation is the solder paste used to connect components in the package, which contains alpha radioactive elements. ...
alpha flux emissioneutectic solderflip chipsolder bumpsolder pasteThe rapid growth in chip level interconnection density continues to present new challenges to the suppliers of semiconductor packaging materials. Further increases in device speed and functionality with corresponding decreases in device geometry...
The low alpha lead-free solder is a lead-free solder with a low alpha particle count developed by Fitech. Low alpha solder can effectively reduce system soft errors, which makes it suitable for high-density SiP, flip-chip, and other packaging processes r
worldwide customers consist of solder companies, electroplating solution manufacturers, OEMs, packaging firms and manufacturers/assemblers of semiconductors.” Suppliers of High Purity Low Alpha, Ultra-Low Alpha and Super Ultra-Low Alpha Solder materials for advanced packaging in semiconductors for more th...
Now how can we handle the disadvantages that come with low temperaturesolder pastes? First, you cannot change the composition of low temperature solder paste and you cannot improve its firmness. This is why there is a need to retest the PCB board’s true temperature to be Blemto choose those...
Low-temperature Solder Paste Process AdvantagesOctober 31, 2018 | Traian C. Cucu, Alpha Assembly Solutions, and Ioan Plotog and Mihai Branzei, Politechnica University of Bucharest Estimated reading time: 7 minutes Environmental issues are becoming increasingly important to organizations and individuals...
In the current work, we have summarized the advantage of engineered flux for low temperature solders in achieving critical properties of the solder paste. The conclusions of this work is as follows: Warpage defect ( Non wet open) of solder pastes (SP1, SP2 and SP3) with engineered paste flux...
the excellent electrical insulation and protection of the resin glue can enhance the reliability of the packaging substrate. Low-temperature epoxy solder paste is very suitable for the packaging of thin substrates, non-heat-resistant devices, and high-reliability devices. Epoxy solder paste is a new...