真正“alpha male”的人,完全不知道有这种事情,他们只是按自己的意志自由生活而已,而天天把alpha male...
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[3]Kink meme指一种在博客中贴出同人文简单大纲和设定(一般会涉及较非常规性爱形式),同粉丝社群的人在回复中匿名写同人小说的粉丝同人文化。最早出现ABO设定的kink meme参见“Request-J2-ANimal-Traits,ClaimiNg,KNottiNg,DomJared,Sub-JeNseN,ImPregNatioN,”http://sPNkiNk-meme.liVeJourNal.com/32449.html?thread...
In the present study, the impact of chromium in presence and absence of α-tocopherol was studied on plasma membrane of liver and kidney in male Wistar rats (80 - 100g body weight). Significant increase in membrane cholesterol level as well as significant decrease in membrane phospholipid level...
[3]Kink meme指一种在博客中贴出同人文简单大纲和设定(一般会涉及较非常规性爱形式),同粉丝社群的人在回复中匿名写同人小说的粉丝同人文化。最早出现ABO设定的kink meme参见“Request-J2-ANimal-Traits,ClaimiNg,KNottiNg,DomJared,Sub-JeNseN,ImPregNatioN,”http://sPNkiNk-memhttp://e.liVeJourNal.com/32449.ht...
Alphas are at the very top of the male socio-sexual hierarchy, whereas sigmas do not adhere to a specific rank within this structure. Alphas are generally more extroverted, adhere to traditional norms, and display aggressive behavior, in contrast to sigmas, who are mor...
She did this because if they were paid in cash, the employees' male relatives would steal the money because women apparently aren't allowed to own anything. So the men had money, and bought things with it, and these things had to be left behind when they were fleeing the country and ...
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