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Rizzler:A rizzler is someone with rizz, someone who is charming. A person with charisma (following the above definition).Example: “That guy is a Rizzler” OP:The definition of OP has its origins in video games, OP means “Over Powered.” This is used when a ...
Kinda weird seeing undead female animations on a a male tho, but I see the appeal! - - - Updated - - - Originally Posted by Sondrelk I wonder if 9.2 is going to introduce some kind of Anima and Grateful offerings sink when that releases. Anima especially is already overabundant in ...
We had a massive amount of astronomical data when we first launched Wolfram|Alpha, but over the summer and fall we added a great number ofsolar system features, including maps of planets, data about craters of planets and moons, and detailed information about Jupiter’s Great Red Spot. We’...
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She did this because if they were paid in cash, the employees' male relatives would steal the money because women apparently aren't allowed to own anything. So the men had money, and bought things with it, and these things had to be left behind when they were fleeing the country and ...
1204 Angels We Have Heard on High (Part 1) Unknown pcguyiv 9390 1205 Angels We Have Heard on High (Part 2) Unknown pcguyiv 8086 1206 Angels We Have Heard on High (Part 3) Unknown pcguyiv 6567 1207 Angels We Have Heard On High in F Public License erikwillke 7538 1208 Angel_ Sarah...
options with other women in their lives. A woman that has a high interest level in a guy has no need (and less motivation) to engage in behaviors that would compromise her status with him. Women of all ILs will shit test, and men will pass or fail accordingly, but a test is more ...