Alpha Centauri - α Cen Alpha Centauri is the third brightest star in the night sky. To the naked eye it shines at apparent magnitude -0.27, which is fainter than Canopus (mag. -0.72) but brighter than Arcturus (mag. -0.04). However, Alpha Centauri is not a single star; it's a ...
This chart shows most of the stars visible with the unaided eye on a clear night. The star Alpha Centauri is one of the brightest stars in the southern sky (marked with a red circle). It lies just 4.3 light-years from the Earth and one component in a triple star system. Image release...
Federation star chart ("The Explored Galaxy"): Aldebaran; Alfa 177; Alpha Carinae; Alpha Centauri; Alpha Majoris; Altair VI; Andor; Ariannus; Arret; Babel; Benecia; Berengaria VII; Beta Aurigae; Beta Geminorum; Beta Lyrae; Beta Niobe; Beta Portolan; Camus II; Canopus III; Capella; Daran...