Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to Earth and is made up of three stars and several exoplanets. We explore our stellar neighbors in more detail here.
The double nature of Alpha Centauri was discovered by Father Richaud in 1689, while comet hunting in India. The third group member is the red dwarf, Proxima Centauri. With an apparent magnitude of +11.1, it requires a small to medium size scope to be seen. The star has a diameter of ...
将“Alpha Centauri"翻译成印度尼西亚文 Alpha Centauri是将“Alpha Centauri"翻译成 印度尼西亚文。 译文示例:Die Pläne liegen zur Einsichtnahme im Planungsbüro auf Alpha Centauri seit 50 Erdenjahren. ↔ Rencananya sudah dipamerkan di kantor perencanaan kalian di Alpha Centauri selama 50 tahun...
Define Alpha Orionis. Alpha Orionis synonyms, Alpha Orionis pronunciation, Alpha Orionis translation, English dictionary definition of Alpha Orionis. Noun 1. Alpha Orionis - the second brightest star in Orion Betelgeuse Orion, Hunter - a constellation on
The first fictional journey to Alpha Centauri seems to have been made in Friedrich Wilhelm Mader's 1911 novel Wunderwelten , translated into English in 1930 as Distant Worlds: The Story of a Voyage to the Planets . Mader's huge spaceship was a sphere 146 feet in diameter that used obscure...
a·mi·no acid (ə-mē′nō) Any of a large number of compounds that are found in living cells, contain carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, and join together to form proteins. ♦ About 20 amino acids are needed by animal cells to produce proteins, but only about half, callednon...
Altair is currently located in the G-Cloud complex, an interstellar cloud that also containsAlpha Centauri. The G-Cloud is located next to the Local Interstellar Cloud (the Local Fluff), through which our solar system is currently moving. The Sun is believed to be either embedded in the LIC...
The best agreement is found for the 3D atmosphere limb-darkening model and a limb-darkened angular diameter of $heta_{m 3D} = 6.000\pm 0.021$mas, corresponding to a linear radius of $0.863 \pm 0.003\,R_\odot$ (assuming $\pi = 747.1 \pm 1.2$mas). Our new linear radius agrees ...
. There are a couple ofconfirmed planetsin the system, and there are also other candidates. But none of them have been directly imaged like this new potential planet, which has the placeholder name C1, and is the first potential detection around the M-dwarf in the system, Proxima Centauri....
An altered future was created where the more inhumane wars of the 21st century left Earth a pre-warp civilization that never even expanded to the solar system. Consequently, the Romulan Star Empire had expanded to include Alpha Centauri. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part I", "Past Tense, Part II...