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alma mater 1.A Latin phrase meaning bountiful mother, used by people to refer to the school or university from which they graduated. 2.The school, university, or college where a person was educated. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information...
young woman; learned". Modern name. Also the name of a river in the Crimea where the famous 19th-century Battle of Alma was fought. "Alma mater" is the term for a college or university, meaning "fostering mother". American vamp of the silent screen, Alma Bennett; composer's wife Alma...
Alma mater的意思是“母校”、“校歌”。作为“母校”,其英文解释为: a high school, college, or university which one has attended or from which one has graduated(某人就读或毕业的学校、学院或大学。)alma mater在美式英语中有几种不同读法,但最常见的美式发音为:/’ɑlmə ‘mɑtər/(收听美式发...
alma mater 1.A Latin phrase meaning bountiful mother, used by people to refer to the school or university from which they graduated. 2.The school, university, or college where a person was educated. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information...
Horace Green Alma Matermeanings Write about your feelings and thoughts about Horace Green Alma Mater Know what this song is about? Does it mean anything special hidden between the lines to you? Share your meaning with community, make it interesting and valuable. Make sure you've read our simpl...
The meaning of ALMA MATER is a school, college, or university which one has attended or from which one has graduated. How to use alma mater in a sentence.
Alma Mater的词源 Alma Mater(n.) 14世纪末,拉丁语,字面意思是“滋养的母亲”,罗马人赋予某些女神,尤其是丘比特和赛瑞斯,的称号,源自alma,almus的女性形式,意为“滋养的”,源自alere的“滋养,抚养,支持,维持”(源自 PIE 词根*al-(2)“生长,滋养”)+māter的“母亲”(参见mother(n.1))。拉丁短语用于表示“...
Alma Mater(n.) 14世紀末,拉丁語,字面意思是“滋養的母親”,羅馬人賦予某些女神,尤其是丘比特和賽瑞斯,的稱號,源自 alma, almus 的女性形式,意爲“滋養的”,源自 alere 的“滋養,撫養,支持,維持”(源自 PIE 詞根 *al-(2)“生長,滋養”)+ māter 的“母親”(參見 mother(n.1))。拉丁短語用於表示“某人...