alma mater 1.A Latin phrase meaning bountiful mother, used by people to refer to the school or university from which they graduated. 2.The school, university, or college where a person was educated. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information...
The Latin term “alma mater” seriously means “nourishing mother,” so it’s fitting that we use it when referring to the schools we once attended for post-secondary education. The public school raised us, but we chose our colleges and universities, and it was there that we nourished our ...
alma mater 1.A Latin phrase meaning bountiful mother, used by people to refer to the school or university from which they graduated. 2.The school, university, or college where a person was educated. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information...
: a school, college, or university that one has attended Etymology Latin, literally "fostering mother," from almus "nourishing" (from alire "to nourish") and mater "mother" — related to alimentary, maternal More from Merriam-Webster on alma mater Britannica English: Translation of alma mat...
Alma mater源自拉丁语(Latin),其字面含义为:慷慨/慈祥的母亲(bountiful/kind mother),其中mater在拉丁语中是“母亲”之意。后逐渐引申为母校,寓意像母亲般用知识“哺育、培养学生”。美国不少大学都在校内安放有alma mater雕塑,其中哥伦比亚大学图书馆前的一尊alma mater青铜雕像,尤为闻名。
The meaning of ALMA MATER is a school, college, or university which one has attended or from which one has graduated. How to use alma mater in a sentence.
alma mater Meaning the school, college, or university that one attended or in which one has studied the official anthem of a school, college, or university a metaphorical Latin phrase presently used to identify a school, college, or university that one formerly attended or graduated Alma mater ...
Your alma mater isyour old school, college or university. ... Alma mater comes from two Latin words meaning "nourishing or bountiful mother." Originally it was used as a term by the ancient Romans to describe their Goddesses, but by the early eighteenth century in Britain it had come to ...
Entries linking toAlma *al-(2) Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to grow, nourish." It forms all or part of:abolish;adolescent;adult;alderman;aliment;alimony;Alma;alma mater;alt(2) "high tone;"alti-;altimeter;altitude;alto;alumnus;auld;coalesce;elder(adj., n.1);eldest;Eldred;enhance;exal...
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to grow, nourish." It might form all or part of:abolish;adolescent;adult;alderman;aliment;alimony;Alma;alma mater;alt(2) "high tone;"alti-;altimeter;altitude;alto;alumnus;auld;coalesce;elder(adj., n.1);eldest;Eldred;enhance;exalt;haught;haughty;hautboy;haws...