Chat to us Talk to our health insurance experts Start chat Video library check out our new video library Go to the Library 安聯可提供一些在市場上最全面的國際醫療保險計劃。多年來安聯一直致力於為世界各地外籍人士提供健康保險計劃,他們有超過100年的經驗幫助提供覆蓋給在境外的本國人。 隨著在許多不同...
We've worked with the Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE, Singapore Branch, to craft a selection of private medical insurance plans designed specifically for Singapore, drawing on our many years of expertise in international health insurance. Singapore Premier Individual Max. Plan Limit: US...
Allianz Care is a market leader in international health insurance & private healthcare for globally mobile people, a global network with a local touch.
If you're interested in getting international health insurance for you and your family, we'd be delighted to speak with you by phone or email. You can also arrange for us to call you at the time it suits you best. LET US CALL YOU ...
Allianz Care is a market leader in international health insurance & private healthcare for globally mobile people, a global network with a local touch.
Bajaj Allianz Individual Health Guard Health cover for individuals All You Need To Know OVERVIEW: Under this plan, each family member can avail an individual sum insured. The individual health insurance plan covers the expenses incurred due to hospitalization, doctor’s consultation, ambu...
Allianz Care is a market leader in international health insurance & private healthcare for globally mobile people, a global network with a local touch.
为迎合国际健康保险市场,Allianz集团创立了Allianz全球保障公司。这家公司开创了“清零运动”以承诺所有的理赔申请表都被处理,并留住所有的客户,所有的汇款两天内抵达受益人银行。 Allianz留意客户反馈并在线24小时提供紧急援助,难怪Allianz全球保障在吸引常年旅行的外籍客户团体方面很成功。
What is Allianz Global Healthcare? A medical insurance plan that provides comprehensive pre to post hospital care for you and your family. What benefits does it offer me? An insurance plan which pays up to USD 1 Million per year as cover. ...
health insurance restrictions, particularly for residents of that country. It is your responsibility to ensure that your healthcare coverage is in line with local health care requirements, if any. If you are in any doubt, please seek independent advice as we may no longer be able to provide ...