Chat to us Talk to our health insurance experts Start chat Video library check out our new video library Go to the Library 安聯可提供一些在市場上最全面的國際醫療保險計劃。多年來安聯一直致力於為世界各地外籍人士提供健康保險計劃,他們有超過100年的經驗幫助提供覆蓋給在境外的本國人。 隨著在許多不同...
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE (12+ MONTHS) SHORT TERM HEALTH INSURANCE (3-9 MONTHS) Consistent cover for your employees We understand that in today's globalized world, businesses often have employees spread across different regions. With our regional plans, you can ensure consistent and reliable cov...
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE (12+ MONTHS) SHORT TERM HEALTH INSURANCE (3-9 MONTHS) Consistent cover for your employees We understand that in today's globalized world, businesses often have employees spread across different regions. With our regional plans, you can ensure consistent and reliable cov...
全球庞大医疗网络,可支持与医疗机构结算费用 可携带性 如移民境外,有机会转换到同等的Allianz Care国际医疗保险计划 专为个人及家庭设计的安联康睿寰球国际健康险 无论您是出国差旅还是深造;您的家人是与您同行还是留在家中,我们都可让您及您的家人可随时随地的享受到国际健康险的服务。
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE (12+ MONTHS) SHORT TERM HEALTH INSURANCE (3-9 MONTHS) Consistent cover for your employees We understand that in today's globalized world, businesses often have employees spread across different regions. With our regional plans, you can ensure consistent and reliable...
Our international health insurance plans help protect expat individuals, professionals, students and families as they work and live abroad. Explore our plans and choose the international expat healthcare cover that’s perfect for you.Only away for less than a year? Discover our short-term private ...
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE (12+ MONTHS) SHORT TERM HEALTH INSURANCE (3-9 MONTHS) Consistent cover for your employees We understand that in today's globalized world, businesses often have employees spread across different regions. With our regional plans, you can ensure consistent and reliable...
Allianz’s International Healthcare Plans for Singapore are an independent insurance plan. Therefore the premium for Allianz’s plans is not payable via Medisave. What happens if I move country or return to my home country? You will need to contact Allianz as soon as possible if you change ...
What is Allianz Global Healthcare? A medical insurance plan that provides comprehensive pre to post hospital care for you and your family. What benefits does it offer me? An insurance plan which pays up to USD 1 Million per year as cover. ...
Expat Financial offers a comprehensive international health insurance plan from Allianz Partners, which has a proven track record of providing global insurance plans to people around the world. Allianz Partners offers its Worldwide Care global medical plan to expatriates around much of the world along...