Altas( 也许可以提供一个答案。 Part 1 MouseBrain Connectivity Atlas ( 在该网站提供的众多的数据库中,Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas收集了大量对小鼠进行的轴突投射(axonal proj...
The Allen Brain Atlas is an online publicly available resource that integrates gene expression and connectivity data with neuroanatomical information for the mouse, human, and non-human primate. Launched in 2004 by the Allen Institute for Brain Science, the portal currently receives about 45000 unique...
Allen Institute Transgenic Mouse Study ALLENMINER Allen Mouse Brain Atlas (original ABA) Allen Spinal Cord Atlas Brain Explorer self-guided tutorial for education EURExpress GENSAT International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Mouse BIRN Atlasing Toolkit ...
图源Allen Institute 接着你只要搜索你感兴趣的基因即可.你说的显示的模式,我理解为ISH是这个基因的真实...
图源Allen Institute 接着你只要搜索你感兴趣的基因即可.你说的显示的模式,我理解为ISH是这个基因的真实...
ALLENMouseBrainConnectivityAtlas 系统标签: atlasallenmousebrainconnectivitycre MAY2015v.9alleninstitute TransgenicCharacterizationbrain-map page1of13 ALLENMouseBrainConnectivityAtlas TECHNICALWHITEPAPER: TRANSGENICCHARACTERIZATION OVERVIEW Transgenicmiceareinvaluabletoolsforthestudyofneuralcircuitsandbrainfunctionbyallowingfor...
brainatlasmouseallendevelopingcdna JUNE2013v.2alleninstituteOverview:AllenDevelopingMouseBrainAtlasbrain-mappage1of8ALLENDevelopingMouseBrainAtlasTECHNICALWHITEPAPER:OVERVIEWATLASOVERVIEWTheAllenDevelopingMouseBrainAtlasprojectservestoprovideacharacterizationofgeneexpressioninthebrainbeginningwithmid-gestationthroughtojuvenile...
Allen Institute for Brain Science as a researcher and Associate Director of Neuroanatomy where she played pivotal roles building several of the Institute’s signature, foundational open science resources, including the Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas. “We are thrilled to welcome Julie back to ...
The Allen Institute for Brain Science today announced the release of new data, tools to analyze those data and a new web-based 3-D viewer to explore anatomy and connections in the mouse brain, the Allen Brain Explorer. Today's data release almost doubles
The Allen Brain Atlas is an online publicly available resource that integrates gene expression and connectivity data with neuroanatomical information for the mouse, human, and non-human primate. Launched in 2004 by the Allen Institute fo... M Hawrylycz,L Ng,D Feng,... - Springer Berlin Heidel...