ALLENMouseBrainConnectivityAtlas 系统标签: atlasallenmousebrainconnectivitycre MAY2015v.9alleninstitute TransgenicCharacterizationbrain-map page1of13 ALLENMouseBrainConnectivityAtlas TECHNICALWHITEPAPER: TRANSGENICCHARACTERIZATION OVERVIEW Transgenicmiceareinvaluabletoolsforthestudyofneuralcircuitsandbrainfunctionbyallowingfor...
Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas 是一个免费获得的基础资源,用于对支持健康和疾病中的行为和认知过程的神经环路进行结构和功能研究。 Results Figure 1. Creation of the Connectivity Atlas Figure 1. 连接图谱的创建 a.数据的生成和处理流程。AAV-EGFP 顺行示踪剂被用来标记轴突投射。使用 TissueCyte 1000 系列...
brainatlasmouseallendevelopingcdna JUNE2013v.2alleninstituteOverview:AllenDevelopingMouseBrainAtlasbrain-mappage1of8ALLENDevelopingMouseBrainAtlasTECHNICALWHITEPAPER:OVERVIEWATLASOVERVIEWTheAllenDevelopingMouseBrainAtlasprojectservestoprovideacharacterizationofgeneexpressioninthebrainbeginningwithmid-gestationthroughtojuvenile...
The recently released Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas provides a comprehensive mouse brain neuronal connectivity map from brain-wide injection sites via anterograde tracers coupled with serial two-photon tomography. In addition, the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas offers a genome-wide gene expression databas...
(1) an anatomical template of the mouse brain (AT), (2) annotation volume (AV), (3) gene expression, and (4) axonal fiber projection. An increasing number of studies have used the Allen mouse brain atlas for analyzing MRI data17,18,19,20. Still, reconstruction of ROIs used in these...
The Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas is a mesoscale whole brain axonal projection atlas of the C57B1/6J mouse brain. Anatomical trajectories throughout... Kuan, LeonardLi, YangLau, ChrisFeng, DavidBernard, AmySunkin, Susan M.Zeng, HongkuiDang, ChinhHawrylycz, MichaelNg, Lydia - 《Methods...
allenBrain This R package acquires pictures from Allen Brain Atlas. Install allenBrain to R devtools::install_github('oganm/allenBrain') Example usage Image acquisition You can usedownloadImageanddownloadAtlasfunctions to get images. Output of these functions aremagick-imageobjects ...
We use the Allen Gene Expression Atlas (AGEA) and the OMA ortholog dataset to investigate the evolution of mouse-brain neuroanatomy from the standpoint of the molecular evolution of brain-specific genes. For each such gene, using the phylogenetic tree for all fully sequenced species and the ...
Here we describe a framework that maps each slice to its corresponding plane in the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas (2015) to build a plane-wise mapping and then perform 2D nonrigid registration to build a pixel-wise mapping. We use the L2 norm of the histogram of oriented gradients difference of ...