Multiple allelesare more than two alternate forms of a gene that exist within a population. This means that there are more than two possible versions of a particular gene in the gene pool of a population, and each individual can carry at most two of these alleles. A classic example of mul...
The first known use of allele was in 1921 alleles儿童词典英英释义 allergennoun a substance (as pollen) that causes allergy allergennoun a substance (as pollen) that causes allergy alleluiainterjection hallelujah entry 1 allelenoun one of several forms of a gene that determine alternate forms of ...
However, in the work described here we also studied the subcellular localization of these deletion mutants. The first truncated protein Δ19 and full-length A transferase were similarly located within the Golgi apparatus but Δ19 produced less A antigen on cell surface. We are not sure if that...
* if calledAltAlleles or genotype are null */publicstaticintincrementChromosomeCountsInfo(finalMap<Allele, Integer> calledAltAlleles,finalintcalledAlleles,finalGenotype genotype){if(calledAltAlleles ==null)thrownewIllegalArgumentException("Called alternate alleles can not be null");if(genotype ==null)th...