CannoteditSymbol"Dimm1".IthastheFIXEDproperty. MovingDIMM1/CONN_FOXCATH4007-63D_240_1_N/CONN_FOXCATH4007-63D_240_1_N. E-Cannotmodifyobject,FIXEDpropertyfound. 这样的提示是说无法更改这个零件,有一个属性FIXED_PRIVATE选中了。 这个问题是怎么来解决呢 A.采用skill命令来解决 在allegro命令行...
Cannot edit Symbol "Dimm1". It has the FIXED property.Moving DIMM1 / CONN_FOXCATH4007-63D_...
It has the FIXED property. 这样的情况怎么解决 0 2019-9-29 01:51:57 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 李洪斌 相关推荐 • 如何在Altium中解除所以器件的引脚锁定? 9650 • 如何在allegro放置了器件之后把PCB中个别的器件的丝印给显示出来? 7227 • Allegro查询器件命令中坐标没有显示超链接的下划线 1177...
I see a message in the command window that the fixed property has been removed, but when I then try to move it, it claims the symbol is "fixed" ;-/. So I'm at a loss to correct this puzzle. I'm using Allegro 16.2.
[转载]Allegro [转载]Allegro 中常⽤之Properties 学习了 原⽂地址:Allegro 中常⽤之Properties作者:saildk Allegro 中常⽤之Properties (V 14.1)
PCB设计过程中不可避免封装会改变 那么 修改封装后 如何在PCB中更新某一封装呢 解决方案: 单击菜单栏palce—update symbols 在弹出的对话框中 单击package symbol 前的 + 选择要更新的封装 勾选 update symbol padstacks 和 Ignore FIXED property 单击Refresh即可更新封装 欢迎关注公众号 嵌入式工程... ...
use model, in which you choose an element first, then right click and execute the command....
If you use a whole number, it has the same effect as turning caching on and setting the spogi-cache-size to that value. For example: (setf (spogi-cache-enable *db*) t) ;turn the cache on (setf (spogi-cache-enable *db*) 5000) ;turn the cache on and set it to 5000 X *...
allegroEdit-property内容解释 Allegro 中常用之Properties (V 14.1)Property可加入之对象可否在线路图 中加入ALT_SYMBOLS Device yes AUTO_GENERATED_TERM Component no AUTO_RENAME Reference no Designator (Component)BOARD_THICKNESS Board no BOM_IGNORE Component yes BUS_NAME Net yes no CLIP_DRAW Design (...
注意勾选 update symbol padstacks Ignore FIXED property。2. 如何批量放置VIA?答:比方在TOP层铺了一片铜到地,然后想规则的放置一批VIA将表面铺铜区连接到地层,能不能自动完成啊?手动放很麻烦也不均与,影响美观 Copy Find勾選Via Option填寫數量,間距。3. Allegro中查看过孔属性及批量替换过孔方法:答:依次单击...