打开allegro以后刚进入界面就出现:program has encountered a problem and must exit. The database will be saved (if applicable). Obtain the latest software update from Cadence and if problem persists contact Cadence Customer Support. 的错误信息,然后就强制关闭了。跪求高手解决方法! crp19890307 采纳率:53...
1,存allegro的时候跳出如下框 :error(SPMHOD-1)database has been corrupted, saving as'xxx.sav' 解决办法: 尝试修复数据库,Tools->Database check &n... 查看原文 Allegro DRC 就当掉解决方法 AllegroDRC检测就报错, Programhasencountered a problem and must exit. The design will be savedasa .SAVfile ...
在我每次连接是时钟差分线最后一根线的时候,出现Program has encountered a problem and must exist. ...
打开allegro以后刚进入界面就出现:program has encountered a problem and must exit. The database will be saved (if applicable). Obtain the latest software update from Cadence and if problem persists contact Cadence Customer Support. 的错误信息,然后就强制关闭了。跪求高手解决方法!
Allegro DRC检测就报错, Program has encountered a problem and must exit. The design will be saved as a .SAV file that can be recovered using dbdoctor (if applicable). To resolve problem, first obtain the la... 24.allegro中光绘gerber[原创] ...
我安装的是allegro 16.6 ,windows10系统。第一次导入网表的时候也出线了类似的问题,解决如下:找到安装路径 ***\Cadence\SPB_Data\pcbenv。在其目录下删除如下文件 注意:是全部删除(不放心可以复制一份)
i have a problem with my allegro pcb editor 15.7.When i want to import the netlist into allegro .an error message appears like "program has encountered a problem and must exit. The database will be saves (if applicable). obtain the latest software update from cadence and if problem ...
I'm currently trying autoroute option on the .brd file using Route->Route Editor Command.Then with a do file the board file is routed using smart_route command.While imprting that ses file to the Allegro PCB Design GXL,an error"Program has encou...
分享92 cadence吧 tianleer 网表导入时报错导入网表时弹出netrev对话框 内容是 Program has encountered a problem and must exit.The design will be saved as a .SAV file that can be recove 分享7赞 cadence吧 guanggaoma ALLegro按Page摆放元件是在原理图中给某一个原理图附给其一个Page属性,在用Allegro布...