特别是最高潮的那几句,“Down the stairs, I was there, I remember it all too well“,恍惚间...
All Too Well(10 Minutes Vision),从头到尾,几乎没有间断地叙事、倾诉、控诉、抒情。坦率充沛的悲伤情感,对爱情的沉痛剖析,乃至对父权的审视和控诉,让这首歌的能量密度前所未有的大。 原版All Too Well是我本来很喜欢很喜欢的作品(几乎是公认的Taylor的艺术巅峰),但10分钟的版本明显又高了不止一个档次。 现在1...
On the just-releasedRed (Taylor’s Version), Swift unveils the long-whispered-about 10-minute version of the song, and it manages to pack even more gut-wrenching punch than the original 2012 breakup ballad. The song’s O.G. lyrics remain intact in the longer rendition, but they’re inte...
For almost a decade, fans and critics alike have mythologized “All Too Well” as Taylor Swift’s best song. In a 2012 interview, Swift mentioned that she originally wrote a 10-minute version of the song that she then edited down. Ever since, fans have awaited the moment when they mig...
Inspired by well-known acts such as Radiohead, Jose Gonzalez, Mac DeMarco, St. Vincent, Local Natives, and just about everything else he sees & hears, the aliquid novi mission is to seek out clever lyrics and poppy hooks and combine them with energizing, imaginative music that takes the ...
I talked a minute ago about feeling like I’m swimming against the current on this one, but I’m not completely alone; my understanding is that all of the surviving Mercury astronauts who saw the movie hated it (except for Scott Carpenter, who honestly seems like such a chill guy that ...
continues. “I got to ask her once about ‘All Too Well’… she was like, ‘I’m just gonna be honest with you, It’s all Taylor. She brought it in, I just helped her piece it together.’ It will be interesting to hear if she brought in all those verses on the 10 minute ...
This isn't even the first time "All Too Well" has been performed on the SNL stage. Swift sang the 10-minute version of the track from Red (Taylor's Version) when she was the musical guest back in November 2021. RELATED: Taylor Swift Made Jessica Chastain a Sweet Breakup Playlist Taking...
(The six-and-a-half-minute rave-up was masterfully edited and re-sequenced by the label's visionary engineer, Tom Dowd, from an even longer studio performance.) But out of necessity, that night on the bandstand Charles had turned to the black gospel experience he knew so well, the ...
When I read the blog from three years ago, I feel exhausted by the “me” I find there – by how hard I try at things even when clearly it is the wrong thing, how desperate I am to control things in my own stubborn but well-meaning way. I am frustrated by my default tendencies:...