^abhttps://www.elle.com/culture/music/a38233497/taylor-swift-10-minute-all-too-well-lyrics-jake-gyllenhaal-meaning/ ^https://genius.com/annotations/1404408/standalone_embed ^https://youtu.be/XQPTYNYXrik ^https://taylorswiftandx.tumblr.com/post/648118409915170816/taylor-swift-and-blue 编辑于 ...
特别是最高潮的那几句,“Down the stairs, I was there, I remember it all too well“,恍惚间...
On the just-releasedRed (Taylor’s Version), Swift unveils the long-whispered-about 10-minute version of the song, and it manages to pack even more gut-wrenching punch than the original 2012 breakup ballad. The song’s O.G. lyrics remain intact in the longer rendition, but they’re inte...
For almost a decade, fans and critics alike have mythologized “All Too Well” as Taylor Swift’s best song. In a 2012 interview, Swift mentioned that she originally wrote a 10-minute version of the song that she then edited down. Ever since, fans have awaited the moment when they mig...
This isn't even the first time "All Too Well" has been performed on the SNL stage. Swift sang the 10-minute version of the track from Red (Taylor's Version) when she was the musical guest back in November 2021. RELATED: Taylor Swift Made Jessica Chastain a Sweet Breakup Playlist Taking...
continues. “I got to ask her once about ‘All Too Well’… she was like, ‘I’m just gonna be honest with you, It’s all Taylor. She brought it in, I just helped her piece it together.’ It will be interesting to hear if she brought in all those verses on the 10 minute ...
– while well meaning – is dumb, because a person in the throes of grief can barely tie their shoes, let alone inform you that the fridge is bare. Just show up with the casserole. The same is true with mental illness. If you know someone is struggling, don’t wait for them to ...
Springsteen's lyrics told a story of young lovers on the highways of New Jersey. "I don't know how important the settings are," Springsteen said. "It's the idea behind the settings. It could be New Jersey, it could be California, it could be Alaska." Appears on: Born to Run (...
Inspired by well-known acts such as Radiohead, Jose Gonzalez, Mac DeMarco, St. Vincent, Local Natives, and just about everything else he sees & hears, the aliquid novi mission is to seek out clever lyrics and poppy hooks and combine them with energizing, imaginative music that takes the ...
lyrics—was reading an extended, heartfelt post on some message board about how Optimus Prime and Megatron were archetypal figures while Rodimus Prime and Galvatron were flawed and “realistic” and this shift indicated a move from DC-style storytelling to Marvel-style and, well, I’m not ...