Eren Jaeger - Attack On Titan Eren Yeager, spelled Eren Jaeger in the Funimation dub, is a fictional character appearing as the protagonist from the manga series Attack on Titan by Hajime Isayama. I know a lot of people hate Eren, and so do I. But I voted for him because his personali...
The Attack on Titan manga, launched in 2009 by Hajime Isayama, has taken its place as a monumental work within the manga world, earning widespread acclaim as one of the greatest manga series of all time. This dark fantasy set in a world besieged by colossal Titans follows Eren Yeager a...
17. Attack on Titan On that day, humanity was reminded of the fear they held for the titans. Attack on Titan became an instant classic when it was first released in 2013. Following three friends, Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert, they fight alongside humanity's greatest soldie...
The Attack on Titan manga, launched in 2009 by Hajime Isayama, has taken its place as a monumental work within the manga world, earning widespread acclaim as one of the greatest manga series of all time. This dark fantasy set in a world besieged by colossal Titans follows Eren Yeager an...
The Attack on Titan manga, launched in 2009 by Hajime Isayama, has taken its place as a monumental work within the manga world, earning widespread acclaim as one of the greatest manga series of all time. This dark fantasy set in a world besieged by colossal Titans follows Eren Yeager an...
The Attack on Titan manga, launched in 2009 by Hajime Isayama, has taken its place as a monumental work within the manga world, earning widespread acclaim as one of the greatest manga series of all time. This dark fantasy set in a world besieged by colossal Titans follows Eren Yeager a...
The Attack on Titan manga, launched in 2009 by Hajime Isayama, has taken its place as a monumental work within the manga world, earning widespread acclaim as one of the greatest manga series of all time. This dark fantasy set in a world besieged by colossal Titans follows Eren Yeager and...
The Attack on Titan manga, launched in 2009 by Hajime Isayama, has taken its place as a monumental work within the manga world, earning widespread acclaim as one of the greatest manga series of all time. This dark fantasy set in a world besieged by colossal Titans follows Eren Yeager an...