Attack on Titan Hajime Isayama View on AMAZON In a post-apocalyptic future where humanity is on the brink of extinction, young Eren Yeager joins the Survey Corps, a military faction tasked with battling the monstrous, man-eating Titans that have imprisoned humanity within massive walls. As Eren...
8. Eren Yeager – Attack on Titan Eren is the main protagonist of Attack on Titan and a former member of the Survey Corps. His abilities include being able to transform into a 15m-tall Titan, who in addition to having extreme powers, possesses great regenerative powers. Over and above thi...
In fifteenth place is the childhood friend of Eren Yeager and by far the most powerful female hero in Attack on Titan – Mikasa Ackerman! Mikasa grew up with Eren and his family when her family was brutally murdered by some thieves and was kidnapped. She was rescued by Eren and has spent...
17. Attack on Titan On that day, humanity was reminded of the fear they held for the titans. Attack on Titan became an instant classic when it was first released in 2013. Following three friends, Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert, they fight alongside humanity's greatest soldie...
Attack on Titan Hajime Isayama View on AMAZON In a post-apocalyptic future where humanity is on the brink of extinction, young Eren Yeager joins the Survey Corps, a military faction tasked with battling the monstrous, man-eating Titans that have imprisoned humanity within massive walls. As Eren...
8. Eren Yeager – Attack on Titan Eren is the main protagonist of Attack on Titan and a former member of the Survey Corps. His abilities include being able to transform into a 15m-tall Titan, who in addition to having extreme powers, possesses great regenerative powers. Over and above thi...
Attack on Titan Hajime Isayama View on AMAZON In a post-apocalyptic future where humanity is on the brink of extinction, young Eren Yeager joins the Survey Corps, a military faction tasked with battling the monstrous, man-eating Titans that have imprisoned humanity within massive walls. As Eren...