.align-middle:垂直居中元素 .align-text-bottom:文本底部对齐元素 您可以根据需要选择适当的对齐方式,以满足您在项目中的设计需求。 自定义对齐方式 除了使用预定义的对齐样式类之外,您还可以通过Tailwind CSS中的flexbox和grid系列来创建和定义自己的对齐方式。
css(七)font-size与line-height与vertical-align 开篇提到css最开始的设计就是服务于图文信息的,文本处理和展示能力的强大。 不知道大家有没有用过tailwind,它用来控制字体大小的功能类是下图这样的,设置font-size的同时还设置了line-height,第一次用的时候很迷茫,为啥这俩要一块儿写,我就单纯的想设置一下字号呀,...
svg tailwind - CSS (1) SVG UseElement.height 属性(1) SVG Text Alignment in the Middle SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is an XML-based vector image format used for creating interactive and scalable graphics. One of its core features is the ability to manipulate text in various ways, including...
<!-- ... --> To learn more, check out the documentation onResponsive Design,Dark Modeandother media query modifiers. Using custom values Arbitrary values If you need to use a one-offvertical-alignvalue that isn't included in Tailwind by default, use square brackets to generate a ...
The curated feature set is suitable for small and middle deployments, and you shouldn't feel obligated to use this feature. However we understand that this tool wouldn't be useful if you couldn't customize it when you are ready for it. + +## Learn More + +You can learn more in...