align-left类 .align-left是一个用于左对齐元素的样式类,可以应用于任何HTML元素。 示例代码: 这个段落将左对齐 通过这个样式类,您可以轻松地将元素向左对齐,使其与其他元素对齐。 其他对齐样式类 除了.align-left,Tailwind CSS还提供了许多其他对齐样式类,例如: .align-right:右对齐元素 .align-center:居中...
css rtl right-to-left left-to-right tailwind tailwindcss Updated Oct 28, 2020 JavaScript airbnb / react-with-direction Star 190 Code Issues Pull requests Components to provide and consume RTL or LTR direction in React react ltr provider rtl higher-order-component hoc right-to-left left...
{ + text-align: center; +} +.feature h3 { + position: relative; + font-size: 34px; + font-size: min(34px, max(4vw, 24px)); + font-weight: 600; + line-height: 1.25; + letter-spacing: -0.02rem; + z-index: 2; +} +:global(.dark) .feature:not(.light-only) { +...
css rtl right-to-left left-to-right tailwind tailwindcss Updated Oct 28, 2020 JavaScript airbnb / react-with-direction Star 190 Code Issues Pull requests Components to provide and consume RTL or LTR direction in React react ltr provider rtl higher-order-component hoc right-to-left left...