Definition: A nonempty set R (i.e., \(R\ne \emptyset \)) equipped with two binary operations, addition (+) and multiplication (.), is called a ring (mathematically represented as (R, +, .)) if it follows the ring axioms [26] [50] defined below. Ring axioms: \(\forall c,d ...
Definition of bias factor 3.1 The bias factor (BF) λ BFis employed in assessing model uncertainty. It is defined as the ratio of the measured displacement to the predicted displacement, that is (2)λBF=δmδe,λBF=δmδe, where δ mis the measured displacement and δ eis the estimat...
Hayati, P., et al.: Definition of spam 2.0: New spamming boom. In: 2010 4th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST). IEEE (2010) Moniza, P., Asha, P.: An assortment of spam detection system. In: 2012 International Conference on Computing, Electronics ...
Definition of evaluation criteria for evaluating the answers that were defined for each question. These criteria include the level of activity and flexibility in communication, emotional responsiveness, the ability to resolve conflicts and other important aspects. ...
Section 3 contains the formulation of the multiobjective optimization problem, including the definition of the formulated criteria and SOMs, whereas in Section 4 the system of optimization build by means of IMGAMO algorithm is presented. Section 5 presents details of the optimization model of the ...