Wendy B. Bollag. Regulation of Aldosterone Synthesis and Secretion. 2014:, 1017-1055. /Regulation of aldosterone synthesis and secretion. Bollag WB. Compr Physiol . 2014Wendy B., Bollag. Regulation of Aldosterone Synthesis and Secretion. 2014:, 1017-1055. /...
3. Use and Manufacturing3.1 Definition ChEBI: A pregnane-based steroidal hormone produced by the outer-section (zona glomerulosa) of the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland, and acts on the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the kidney to cause the conservation of sodium, secretion of ...
Isaka T, Ikeda K, Takada Y, et al:Azelnidipine inhib- its aldosterone synthesis and secretion in human ad- renocortical cell line NCI-H 2 9 5 R. Eur J Pharmacol 605:49-52, 2009.Isaka T, Ikeda K, Takada Y, et al. Azelnidipine inhibits aldosterone synthesis and secretion in human ...
Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and MedicinePapanikolaou N. Th, Papadakis G., Papanikolaou P. et al. Investigation of the mechanism of action of prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors on renin and aldosterone secretion and sodium excretion. Prostaglandin Med 1981; 7:163....