Alcohol was disproportionately present in drivers under 50 years of age, single MVC drivers and in recreational vehicle drivers in the alcohol positive group. As compared with previously published Ontario studies, the mean BACs may be similar but the incidence of alcohol detection in fatal motor ...
Ontario's proposed plan to broaden alcohol sales will harm people, say public health officials The Ontario government's plans to broaden alcohol sales to privately operated stores in the province could lead to higher consumption rates and related harms, write commentary authors in CMAJ (Canadian Med...
This comparative model has similarly been applied by MADD Canada to assess impaired driving policies, and by the Canadian Harm Reduction Policy Project to assess variation in and quality of Canadian harm reduction policies (Hyshka et al., 2017; MADD Canada, 2015; Wild et al., 2017). The ...
Sleepiness and ethanol effects on simulated driving. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1994;18(1):154–8. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Zador PL, Krawchuk SA, Voas RB. Alcohol-related relative risk of driver fatalities and driver involvement in fatal crashes in relation to driver age and gender: an ...
Additional studies are needed to understand polysubstance use trends, including alcohol, among those who use fentanyl,27 because illicitly manufactured fentanyl remains the driving force in overdose deaths and is responsible for the sharp increase in deaths since 2013. Fentanyl causes respiratory ...
He was driving me and everyone else around him crazy, and he did not want to quit saying it was his life, so I had to trick him :) He had acid reflux so I gave him 2 tbls of Apple Cider Vinegar morning and evening. He also said he needed more energy so I had him use Bill ...
In Ontario, he qualified for Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (formerly the Handicapped Children's Benefit) until age 18. That was for a maximum $435/month. At age 18 (about 60 days before his 18th birthday) we applied for ODSP, the Ontario Disability Support Program and he...
level of analysis. Much of the empirical and theoretical outcomes of research on deviance are applicable in the explanations, but the emphasis will be on the connections with research on aggressive behavior. The relevant sociological factors will be seen only as one set of variables in an ...
“The history of drinking cultures and regulations in Ontario are very different to, say, West Dunbartonshire. Whilst there are similarities, there are differences. And so you can understand why a local licensing officer in, you know, Leeds might say, well, but the problem we have here is ...
Since consumption of alcohol is sensitive to the price of alcohol, and the occurrence of drunk driving is sensitive to the level of alcohol consumption, the possibility exists for alcohol pricing policie to be used to reduce drunk driving in the population. This paper reviews the evidence on ...