The Effects of Drinking-Driving Laws: a Test of the Differential Deterrence Hypothesis. Addiction 98(11):1531-1536.Mann R. E., Smart R. G., Stoduto G., Adlaf E. M., Vingilis E. R., Beriness D. et al. The effects of drinking-driving laws: a test of the differential deterrence ...
The prevalence of excessive drinking there is 16% and the prevalence of alcohol impaired driving deaths is 41%. #11 Jerome County Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash #11 Jerome County Home to Jerome, Eden and Hazelton, Jerome County has an estimated population of 25,714. The prevalence of ...
research, relationships between aspects of sentence severity (license suspension, fine, jail term, assignment to probation, or temporary absence programmes) and postconviction accidents and drinking-driving convictions were examined, while controlling statistically for demographic and previous driving record ...
Combine a lack of consequences with the thrill of breaking the law, and MLDA 21 actually encourages underage drinking and potentially other illegal activities, such as driving while intoxicated and illicit drug use. Lowering the MLDA would make 18–20-year-olds subject to the same laws enforced...