Because of this action, alcohol is known as a central nervous system (CNS) depressant, and lowers both cognitive and physical capacities. Combination with other CNS depressants, such as opiates, barbiturates, or benzodiazepines can have additive and dangerous effects....
It is becoming responsible for quite a number of serious psychological problems like depression and behavioral abnormalities leading to family and social violence. The most dramatic effects produced by alcohol are exhibited within central nervous system (CNS) as it reduces the frequency of nerve ...
The ethanol content in fermented drinks is one of the key points for the health issue. In this context, WHO encourages the beverage industries to find suitable strategies to achieve this goal. Regarding the brewing sector, in EU countries, non-alcoholic beer (NAB) is categorized as “Alcohol-...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological disease that develops as a result of the interplay between inducing and protective environmental and genetic factors. The impact of alcohol, which may directly suppress various immune responses,1 on the risk of developing MS has been investigated in...
Alcohol misuse is perceived as a self-inflicted lifestyle choice rather than a disease. Hence, patients are often reticent to acknowledge the problem.5 People affected by psoriasis have a higher prevalence of excessive alcohol consumption and an elevated risk of dying due to alcohol-related causes...
Thus, even though the present study focused on IGD, evidence regarding Internet addiction will also be presented as an analogy and to support the present findings. IGD is categorized as a behavioral addiction similar to pathological gambling, sexual activity, exercise, and shopping3 because these ...
In the present study, limited information was collected on alcohol consumption: the exposition to alcohol was categorized as being regular drinkers versus abstainers/occasional drinkers. Another limitation that 706 Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol 19 should be considered ...
(each AA, AG or GG). As alcohol use varies greatly by study area, among men, mean alcohol intake was calculated for each of these nine genotype across ten study areas (that is a total of 90 genotype-area combinations) to reflect a wide range of alcohol consumption, assigning an intake ...
We categorized the cancers as alcohol-related cancers (breast, colon and rectum, and head and neck)2 and nonalcohol-related cancers (eTable 1 in Supplement 1). Esophageal cancer was categorized as nonalcohol related because the association with alcohol drinking is confined largely to squamous ...
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), formaldehyde is categorized as a carcinogen that causes environmental and health problems, and consequently the manufacturing of environmentally friendly adhesives to replace aldehyde-based adhesives has raised significant attention2. Biopolymer-based adhesives...