“Alchemy of Souls” Season Two is coming soon! “Alchemy of Souls” is a fantasy romance drama taking place in the fictional nation named Daeho, a country that doesn’t exist in history or maps. The story will follow a set of main characters whose fates get twisted due to magic that s...
9.1.1 An Overview of the Realistic Literature imbasfan· 2020-6-26 6000:15 每一部以冉冉升起的明星演员李采敏为特色的K剧 五河金静· 2-25 14003:38 【静谧计划】Comfort Chain V2(feat. Instupendo) [Remix] 蔚蓝百合· 1小时前 48009:00 【PICO RARK2】没有默契 第一集 Silver羽羽羽· 1小时前...
E4. When Uk’s torrent of energy gets unlocked during his duel with the Crown Prince, it only becomes clearer after a few minutes, that the sword is dragging Uk around, and not the other way around. Kudos to Lee Jae Wook, because I imagine it’s hard to do a fighting scene where ...
The good news is here. Yes, Alchemy Of Souls will be renewed and there will be a season 2. There is an official news announcement that says that the shooting of season 2 has already started. The production house has already started the shooting in July 2022 only. They released...
Episode 6 of Alchemy of Souls Season 2 begins with Jang-uk pointing out Mu-deok's history and the tree that defines so much of her past. Bu-yeon points out that it was her, not Mu-deok, whom Jang-uk kissed and saw that night and it's her he's married to.