Total songs: 2,336,295 Total size: 26495 GBKHInsider's archive contains both music extracted directly from games and converted into MP3 and lossless formats, as well as long lost albums that you can't even find on ebay.A gamerip is a collection of music that has been extracted directly ...
Cliffhanger: Challenger of Tomorrow Unfair Souls: Darkest Grind One Way To Exit 2 Repit UDONGEIN X Agent Stilus Mech Engineer Loop Odyssey Nevermore: The Chamber Door Project Chemistry All Ben 10 Games Bumballon TouHou Music Recording Senalux Solitaire Crime Stories: Chapter 1 Sorcerer’s Tournament...
Alchemy of Sounds ~Atelier Arranged Tracks~ PS Vita, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP Arrangement 2019 Aldred - Knight of Honor Switch Gamerip 2019 ALICE GEAR AEGIS ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK Vol.2 Android, iOS, Mobile Soundtrack 2019 ALICE♥PALADE -FUTARI-NO-ALICE-TO FUSHIGI-NO-OTOME-TACHI- ORIGINAL...
A gamerip is a collection of music that has been extracted directly from the game, and sometimes it has been tagged with correct song names and numbers, and the songs have been looped for a better listening experience. Some gamerips are so good, they function as soundtracks....