Compared with crystalloid, a trend toward reduced 90-day mortality was observed in severe sepsis patients resuscitated with albumin (odds ratio (OR) 0.88; 95% CI, 0.76 to 1.01; P=0.08). However, the use of albumin for resuscitation significantly decreased 90-day mortality in septic shock ...
Interventions The patients received in a 1:1 ratio either 4% albumin solution (n = 693) or Ringer acetate solution (n = 693) as cardiopulmonary bypass priming and intravenous volume replacement intraoperatively and up to 24 hours postoperatively. Main Outcomes and Measures The primary ...
MV duration and duration of using vasopressors are shown in Fig.1. To predicting mortality, combined marker at 6 h and also single marker of L/A ratio had a best performing and were comparable with single marker
独立预后因素 Odds ratio 95%置信区间 P值 术后3天白蛋白 0.868 0.791-0.953 0.003 手术时间 1.005 1.000-1.010 0.048 表5 ROC曲线下面积 变量 面积 95%置信区间 P值 术后1天白蛋白 0.868 0.495-0.716 0.090 术后3天白蛋白 1.005 0.539-0.764 0.015 • 论 著 • 303 2013年12 月第 11卷第34...
Results Male rats were subjected to 75 min of CPB primed with either LR/albumin/mannitol or with 6% HES. Renal and lung edema were determined by wet/dry weight ratio. Pulmonary wet/dry weight ratio was lower in rats on CPB primed with LR/albumin/mannitol ...
Subgroup analysis of the SAFE study suggested that HAS 4% administration for up to 28 days spent in the intensive care unit (ICU) in patients with sepsis reduced mortality compared to crystalloid [1]. The ALBIOS trial showed a trend t...
There were, however, no overall differences in 28-day mortality rates (32% albumin vs 32% crystalloid; relative risk in the albumin group, 1.00; 95% CI, 0.87 to 1.14; P = 0.94) or 90-day mortality rates (41% albumin vs 44% crystalloid; relative risk, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.85 to ...
Unlike crystalloid fluid, albumin increases only the intravascular volume and also has antioxidant effects, so is considered to prevent CIN. However, to the best of our knowledge, no research on the effect of intravenous albumin on prevention of CIN in patients with LC has been reported. The ...
For studies in which multivariate analysis was performed by Cox regression, the effect size measure was the hazard ratio. Though defined differently from the OR, the hazard ratio has been shown to be similar to the OR both theoretically and empirically [5]. Accordingly, in this report, the ...
Albumin therapy was not associated with differences in overall major morbidity (OR, 0.9; 98.3% CI, 0.7 to 1.2; P = 0.39; composite) or acute kidney injury severity (OR, 0.9; 98.3% CI, 0.6 to 1.4; P = 0.53) compared with therapy with crystalloid solutions. In this large retrospective ...