The choice of colloid or crystalloid solutions in adult and paediatric resuscitation has been the subject of ongoing debate for many years. A systematic review recently published in the BMJhas again brought this debate to the fore, by indicating that patients treated with human albumin solution (...
Cerebral effects of isovolemic hemodilution with crystalloid or colloid solutions. The cerebral effects of iv fluids have not been well defined, particularly the differences between crystalloids and colloids. We thus evaluated the effects of lactated Ringer's (LR) and 6% hetastarch (HES) solutions...
crystalloid or hypooncotic colloid solutions[J].Acta Anaesthesiol Scand,2002,46(2):166-172. [18] Li WQ,Wang XY,Zhu H,et al .Al bumi n ki neti cs i n pati ents wi th 表7 术后3d白蛋白浓度值预测并发症的敏感性与特异性 术后3天白蛋白浓...
Conclusions: This variation reflected a considerable difference in unit policy regarding the use of these products in preference to crystalloid or synthetic colloid solutions. The variation suggests the need for more specific guidelines for the use of these products in defined clinical settings....
Intra- and extravascular volume status in patients undergoing mitral valve replacement: crystalloid vs colloid priming of cardiopulmonary bypass. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2006;23(1):1-9. doi:10.1017/S0265021505001687PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 3. Zeng Y, Adamson RH, Curry FR, Tarbell ...
Pockaj BA, Yang JC, Lotze MT, Lange JR, Spencer WF, Steinberg SM, Topalian SL, Schwartzentruber DJ, White DE, Rosenberg SA (1994) A prospective randomized trial evaluating colloid versus crystalloid resuscitation in the treatment of the vascular leak syndrome associated with interleukin-2 therap...
(24.1% vs 26.3%).38(Although the Colloids vs Crystalloids for the Resuscitation of the Critically Ill (CRISTAL) trial allowed use of 4% or 20% albumin, albumin administration was too similar between the colloid and crystalloid arms (20.4% vs 16.5%) to allow inferences about the relative ...
Your question is a good one, and very timely. At this time, there are essentially no indications for the use of intravenous albumin in patients with sepsis syndrome. As you state, these patients have increased capillary permeability, and any colloid that is administered rapidly finds its way in...
care center from 2008 to 2010. We assessed crystalloid and colloid administration until 36 hours after surgery. AKI was defined by the RIFLE (risk, injury, failure, loss and end-stage kidney disease) risk and Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) stage 1 serum creatinine criterion within 96 hours...
These strategies mainly focused on preserving colloid oncotic pressure (COP), an important determinant of interstitial fluid accumulation [11], with a crystalloid or colloid-based prime fluid strategy [12–16]. It has previ- ously been shown that human albumin and hydroxyethyl starch (HES) ...