他的父亲,Albrecht Durer老,是一个成功的戈德史密斯1455年,最初Ajtosi搬到纽伦堡Ajtos附近的Gyula在匈牙利.德国的名字从匈牙利“杜勒”是一个翻译,“Ajtosi”。最初,这是“真正的”,意思doormaker,在匈牙利“ajtos”(“ajto”,意思是门)。一扇门中深长家庭了。Albrecht Durer年轻后来改变了“真正的”,他父亲的措辞...
阿尔道夫的数据总是补他的浪漫风景;他借了Albrecht Durer发明的肖像,但全景设置个人和无关的幻想荷兰的风景一个苏珊娜在浴缸里的石刑长老(1526)设置的意大利风格的摩天大楼外宫显示了他对建筑的兴趣。另一家小型石油在羊皮纸上,多瑙河与城堡景观价值(c。1520)是最早的准确的地形画设置一个特定的建筑,成为陈词滥调的...
Born in Nuremberg, Dürer established his reputation and influence across Europe in his twenties due to his high-quality woodcut prints. He was in contact with the major Italian artists of his time, including Raphael, Giovanni Bellini and Leonardo da Vinci, and from 1512 was patronized by ...
A famous artist, who made paintings, woodcut prints, and other such artistry, Durer was well known and recognized. He was a very influential link between the artists of the past and the ones that would come after his generation. He was a man who knew Leonardo da Vinci and corresponded ...
In this long room devoted to pre-Hellenic Greece, among the rows of pots painted with electrified sea life and planet-eyed birds, is an image of a bull that forms a striking counterpart to Durer 's famous woodcut of a rhinoceros. Like The Rhinoceros (1515), the body of this majestic ...
Albrecht Durer is the most celebrated artist of the Northern Renaissance. A master painter, engraver, and woodcutter.
Though his parents died nearly at the same time, he mostly focused on prints which were woodcuts, and most of which were religious. One noted prints he was able to do was the “The Men’s Bathhouse”. Though it was nearly impossible to know it was Durer’s work, it was undoubtedly ...
Albrecht Durer, painter and printmaker generally regarded as the greatest German Renaissance artist. His vast body of work includes altarpieces and religious works, numerous portraits and self-portraits, and copper engravings. His woodcuts retain a more