Albrecht Durer, painter and printmaker generally regarded as the greatest German Renaissance artist. His vast body of work includes altarpieces and religious works, numerous portraits and self-portraits, and copper engravings. His woodcuts retain a more
他的父亲,Albrecht Durer老,是一个成功的戈德史密斯1455年,最初Ajtosi搬到纽伦堡Ajtos附近的Gyula在匈牙利.德国的名字从匈牙利“杜勒”是一个翻译,“Ajtosi”。最初,这是“真正的”,意思doormaker,在匈牙利“ajtos”(“ajto”,意思是门)。一扇门中深长家庭了。Albrecht Durer年轻后来改变了“真正的”,他父亲的措辞...
For an unofficial but illuminating prologue to the British Museum's Durer show, you need to go past the ticket desk, through the tapering Mycenaean columns and on into one of the strangest and most magical galleries in the building. In this long room devoted to pre-Hellenic Greece, among ...