Albrecht Durer, painter and printmaker generally regarded as the greatest German Renaissance artist. His vast body of work includes altarpieces and religious works, numerous portraits and self-portraits, and copper engravings. His woodcuts retain a more
最初,这是“真正的”,意思doormaker,在匈牙利“ajtos”(“ajto”,意思是门)。一扇门中深长家庭了。Albrecht Durer年轻后来改变了“真正的”,他父亲的措辞家族的姓,“杜勒”,适应当地的纽伦堡方言。Albrecht Durer姐姐芭芭拉帮助结婚,他的主人的女儿当他在1467年成为大师。 杜勒的木刻盾形纹章上,一扇门是一个双关语...
作品名称:《一个人的肖像(达米亚范德戈)》阿尔布雷希特·丢勒(Albrecht Durer)高清作品欣赏 作品链接: 作品类别:油画 免责声明:本站部分公开资料来源于互联网,目的是用于学术交流与讨论,并不代表本网赞同其观点和对其真实性负责。如果您认为我们的侵犯了...
Albrecht Dürer was a painter, printmaker, and writer generally regarded as the greatest German Renaissance artist. His paintings and engravings show the Northern interest in detail and Renaissance efforts to represent the bodies of humans and animals accurately. Dürer was also keenly aware of self...
阿尔道夫的数据总是补他的浪漫风景;他借了Albrecht Durer发明的肖像,但全景设置个人和无关的幻想荷兰的风景一个苏珊娜在浴缸里的石刑长老(1526)设置的意大利风格的摩天大楼外宫显示了他对建筑的兴趣。另一家小型石油在羊皮纸上,多瑙河与城堡景观价值(c。1520)是最早的准确的地形画设置一个特定的建筑,成为陈词滥调...
Albrecht Durer is the most celebrated artist of the Northern Renaissance. A master painter, engraver, and woodcutter.
famous portrait brought out into light day new-found enthusiasm Durer`s art made this particular portrait popular almost any other work When publicly exhibited first time Munich 1869 already been accepted epitomizing old German patrician class portrait remained possession Holzschuher`s descendants ...
Durer won the toss while Jack went to the mine.Durer worked hard at college and his paintings were much better than even most of his ___.He made a lot of money by selling his paintings. Durer returned.When he told Jack he could go to ___, Jack said softly, “No. You don’t kn...
Of course, there is also a more soundly spiritual taste for Durer. People sometimes have the famous drawing of the disembodied praying hands hanging on their wall, an emblem of simple faith. The drawing is in this show, and it is a wonderful drawing. Modelling in both black and white ink...