For DLC Collectibles refer to Alan Wake 2 The Lake House DLC Collectible Guide. Next »Alan Wake 2 All Lock Codes, Door & Safe Combinations Share Tweet Shares 0 Filed Under: Alan Wake 2, Game Guides Comments Ruancarlo says October 26, 2023 at 8:46 pm Hey, where did you found the...
Alan Wake 2features an abundance of collectibles to find if you’d like to see and learn about everything the game has to offer, and some of them can actually come in handy for combat, too. While playing as Saga, you’re going to want to keep your eyes open for charms to find and...
There are a lot of collectibles to find inAlan Wake 2, so you’re probably wondering if there’s a way to show them all on your map. The answer is yes, but only when having the Mayor Setter Charm equipped, which you can’t obtain until pretty late in the game by visiting Mayor Se...
In this Alan Wake Remastered Special 2: The Writer collectibles guide, we’ll show you where to find every coffee thermos, manuscript, TV show, radio show, sign, chest, and can pyramid in the game’s first episode, listed in the order you are likely to i
Chat with him and interact with the map on his board. This will reveal various collectibles and loot stashes in the general vicinity. Backtrack to previously visited areas Unlike the first game, Alan Wake 2 is far from linear. The zones that you get to explore might have hidden secrets, ...
The first update of the year for Alan Wake 2 is out now. The update contains the Chapter Select function, allowing you to load up any mission you want. So, you can replay the We Sing mission over and over to potentially annoy your neighbors!
After more than a decade, Alan Wake returns - but for better, or for worse? Anna Zhang has our review in her debut article!
Return 2 (The Heart) is the second chapter in Saga Anderson’s story in Alan Wake 2, detailing the return to Cauldron Lake to find a missing body. Our walkthrough includes how to accomplish every goal, how to locate Nightingale and venture into the Overlap to defeat him, and tips on ho...
Use these Alan Wake 2 tips while you're exploring the Pacific Northwest and the Dark Place as they'll help you survive the Taken.
In this Alan Wake Remastered Episode 5: The Clicker collectibles guide, we’ll show you where to find every coffee thermos, manuscript, TV show, radio show, sign, chest, and can pyramid in the game’s first episode, listed in the order you are likely to