For DLC Collectibles refer to Alan Wake 2 The Lake House DLC Collectible Guide. Next »Alan Wake 2 All Lock Codes, Door & Safe Combinations Share Tweet Shares 0 Filed Under: Alan Wake 2, Game Guides Comments Ruancarlo says October 26, 2023 at 8:46 pm Hey, where did you found the...
Our wiki strategy guide for Alan Wake 2 includes a full Walkthrough for every chapter for both Alan Wake and Saga Anderson's story (which can be swapped between once you progress far enough in the main quest), and include essential tips for solving cases, making deductions, and fighting off...
In this Alan Wake Remastered Special 2: The Writer collectibles guide, we’ll show you where to find every coffee thermos, manuscript, TV show, radio show, sign, chest, and can pyramid in the game’s first episode, listed in the order you are likely to i
Alan Wake 2 - How To Reveal All Collectibles With The Mayor Setter Charm You can make all collectibles appear on your maps in Alan Wake 2, at least when you're playing as Saga. Oct 26, 2023 9:00pm Alan Wake 2 - Taxidermy Deer Head Locations You can pet all the poor mounted deer...
Unlike the first game, Alan Wake 2 is far from linear. The zones that you get to explore might have hidden secrets, such as the aforementioned collectibles, that can only be obtained after certain events have transpired. For instance, parts of Cauldron Lake are flooded at the start of the...
Here's how long it takes to finish Remedy Entertainment's long-awaited survival horror and the kinds of collectibles available.
Signs are one of many collectibles in Alan Wake. All you need to do is interact with them. To tell the difference between regular signs and collectible signs, see if your game is being save when you interact with the sign. Episode 1 - Signs Episode 2 - Signs Episode 3 - Signs Episod...
Use these Alan Wake 2 tips while you're exploring the Pacific Northwest and the Dark Place as they'll help you survive the Taken.
There are a lot of collectibles to find inAlan Wake 2, so you’re probably wondering if there’s a way to show them all on your map. The answer is yes, but only when having the Mayor Setter Charm equipped, which you can’t obtain until pretty late in the game by visiting Mayor Se...
Special episode 2 - The Writer (2). This Alan Wake guide page has a walkthrough for the special episode - The Writer (part 2 of 3)