Phase diagramsAl-Si binary systemSiliconSolar cellsThermo-Calc software was used to deduce the phase diagram of the Al–Si binary system, which is a necessary step to understand the more complicated systems containing Si–Al binary. The phase diagram contains two solid solution phases (α-Al) ...
Ozaki, “The Role of the Primary Phase on Eutectic Solidification of Al-Si Alloys”,Trans. Jpn. Inst. Met., 17, 545–550 (1976). (Equi Diagram; Experimental) Google Scholar 76Kob2: K. Kobayashi, R. H. Shingu, and R. Ozaki, “Shift of Aluminium Liquidus in Al-Si System Due to...
aThe reaction may take place in a very limited area and conse-quently products formation. By this route, the formation of Si will be definitely lower than the eutectic point of Al-Si phase diagram (13 wt.%), thus excluding any precipitation of solid Si and pore clogging at the infiltrati...
It is found that the changes occurring during solution treatment have been relatively well understood, and the equilibrium phase diagram can be used to predict the stability of phases at the solution treatment temperature. The influence of quench rate on subsequent artificial ageing needs to be ...
关键词: Al-Si 合金; Mg-Al 合金; 压力; 残余键结构模型; 熔体结构; 非平衡相图 中图分类号: TG113.12; TG146.2 文献标识码: A Residual bond structure analysis of equilibrium phase diagram of Al-Si and Mg-Al alloys under pressure condition MI Guang-bao1, 2, LI Pei-jie1, 2, HE Liang-ju...
随着Zn含量的增加,合金的液 相线温度在《>(办)<70%时呈直线下降•关系如 下:t(Zii) (%) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 液相线 /T』500 485 475 465 455 446 436 424 396 380图2-27 Al-Cu-Zn系相图[丨02]9丨•丨丨的]161 Fig. 2-27 Phase diagram of Al-Cu-Zn system[102]91...
内容提示: Calculated ternary diagram of Ti–Al–Si systemC. R. de Farias Azevedo and H. M. FlowerThe phase equilibria between b (body centred cubic, bcc), a (hexagonal closed packed, hcp), Ti 3 Al–a 2 (hcp), andTi 5 Si 3 (hcp) in the Ti–Al–Si system have been ...
Isothermal sections of the ternary phase diagram have been assessed employing thermodynamic software, which uses the compound energy model to describe the phases mathematically. Available experimental phase equilibria results on the TiAlSi system were used to calculate missing binary and ternary interaction...
CALPHAD(CALculation of PHAse Diagram)技术基于热力学模型,广泛地应用于多组元材料体系的相图热力学性质计算和相变模拟.CALPHAD方法所得的化学势和热力学因子可以用来进行扩散模拟,相驱动力结合Landau理论还可以用来模拟微观结构的演变等.CALPHAD技术的成功应用依赖于精确的多组元体系的相图热力学数据库的建立,因此获得多组...
CALPHAD(CALculation of PHAse Diagram)技术是目前非常成熟且用途极为广泛的相图评估和计算方法,它不仅是材料动力学,显微组织演变计算模拟的热力学平台,而且能够广泛地应用于新材料的设计与研制.Cu,Fe,Nb,Ni,Si,Cr,Ti等是Al基合金中的主要合金元素或添加元素.为了设计铝基合金成分,优化制备工艺,并有效地提高合金性能...