Binary Systems The Al-Mg phase diagram [ 2003Cze ] has the following intermediate phases: Mg 2 Al 3 (cubic, denoted β), R or (rhombohedral) and Mg 17 Al 12 ( A 12-type cubic, denoted γ). The Al-Si phase diagram is a simple eutectic system with the eutectic at 577°C and ...
北京市100083,北京航空航天大学材料系 TowhomcorrespondenceshouMbeaddressed 扛 272材料研究l4卷 KEYWORDSALi—Mg-5ialloys.phasediagramcalculation.micro~tructures 含锂的铝合金密度低,比强度高,是一种重要的航空材料.提高含锂的铝合金的塑 韧性配合,是材料研究的目标合金化是改善含锂铝合金性能的一种重要手段.人们...
In the Al–Mg–Si–Mn alloys, the Fe-rich intermetallic phase formed in the shot sleeve exhibited coarse compact morphology and those formed in the die cavity were fine compact particles. Although with different morphologies, the compact intermetallics were identified as the same α-AlFeMnSi ...
CALPHAD(CALculation of PHAse Diagram)技术基于热力学模型,广泛地应用于多组元材料体系的相图热力学性质计算和相变模拟.CALPHAD方法所得的化学势和热力学因子可以用来进行扩散模拟,相驱动力结合Landau理论还可以用来模拟微观结构的演变等.CALPHAD技术的成功应用依赖于精确的多组元体系的相图热力学数据库的建立,因此获得多组...
关键词:A l -M g -S i 合金;峰值时效平台;析出相;析出动力学;强化模型 中图分类号:TG151. 1 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1007-2012 ( 2021) 11七丨424)8 doi: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1007-2012. 2021. 11.020 Strengthening phase precipitation kinetics and model modiflcation for extruded ...
廖名情 - 哈尔滨工业大学 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Zr合金热动力学研究及机器学习 计算热力学方法(CALPHAD:CALculation of PHAse Diagram)被广泛应用于材料性能预测,工艺改进以及新材料设计中。准确的热动力学数据库是CALPHAD方法应用的基础。热动力... 陆海进 - 上海大学 被引量: 0发表: 0年 加载更多来源...
To investigate the effects of Zn on the precipitation behaviors of Al–Mg–Si alloy, the equilibrium phase diagram of alloys with different contents of Zn (0–5wt.%) is calculated using Factsage software [19], as shown in Fig. 1. According to Fig. 1, the equilibrium phases β-Mg2Si ...
The phase diagram of Al-Mg-Si alloys was calculated hy Thermo-Calc program,and function of temperature and Mg_2Si content was got. 以优化Al-Mg-Si系铝合金成分为目的,选取不同镁、硅含量的合金进行拉伸试验,得到了Mg_2Si含量与抗拉强度的关系曲线。3...