Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium AlloysNonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of Ternary Amorphous AlloysThis document is part of Subvolume A 'Nonequilibrium Phase Diagrams of Ternary Amorphous Alloys' of Volume 37 'Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium Alloys' of ...
描述 Phase Lab 是一款功能强大的相图相场计算软件,包括相图模块、扩散模块、相场模块以及数据库模块,可以帮助研究者在合金材料设计中,借助强大的数据库建立成分-物相-性能之间的关联规律,完成材料的成分优化与性能提升。 相图(Phase diagram)被誉为材料设计的指导书和冶金工作者的地图,其重要性不言而喻。对于金属材料,...
图3 AlSc二元合金相图 Fig.3ThephasediagramofAlScbinaryalloy Er元素在Al中的极限固溶度小于005wt%,图 4为AlEr二元合金相图[36]。Er元素加 入AlMg系合金中能够有效地细化合金的铸态晶 粒,增加合金热稳定性,使其再结晶温度提高50℃ 左右 [37-39],晶粒细 化的可能原因是一方面初生的Al3Er粒子在凝固时作为非...
This composition corresponds to the point onthe phase diagram where the liquidus and solidus lines intersect. At this composition, the alloy will melt and solidify at the same temperature. The eutectic temperature of Al-Mg alloys can be affected by the presence of other elements. For example,...
The covalent bond of Al 37 Zn 1 Mg 2 was stronger than that of Al 49 Zn 2 Mg 1 and Al 34 -Zn 1 Mg 1 , and the structure of Al 37 Zn 1 Mg 2 was the most stable.Key words phase diagram, second phases, solid solutions, formation enthalpy, cohesive energy, intrinsic properties0...
A theoretical investigation of coherent phase equilibria in the Al-rich corner of the Al Mg Ag phase diagram has been carried out using the Cluster Variation Method to investigate the early stages of decomposition. Sensitivity to the sizes of the various pairwise interaction parameters is investigate...
The Al-Mg-Sr ternary phase diagram was calculated from the optimized thermodynamic properties of the binary systems. Since no reliable ternary data were available, three assumptions were made: no ternary terms were added to the model parameters for the thermodynamic properties of the liquid, no ...
CALPHAD(CALculation of PHAse Diagram)技术基于热力学模型,广泛地应用于多组元材料体系的相图热力学性质计算和相变模拟.CALPHAD方法所得的化学势和热力学因子可以用来进行扩散模拟,相驱动力结合Landau理论还可以用来模拟微观结构的演变等.CALPHAD技术的成功应用依赖于精确的多组元体系的相图热力学数据库的建立,因此获得多组...
A description based on the experimental data was used for the Al-Mg phase diagram. The ternary system was modeled by combining the three binary descriptions, with one additional ternary interaction parameter for the liquid phase. The liquidus projection shows ternary eutectic solidification near the ...
赵中魁等 [12]在 Al-Zn-Mg-Cu 合金中添加稀 土元素 Er ,研究发现 Er 在...-Al 二元系相图 Fig.1 Er-Al binary phase diagram 图 2 为 Er-Cu-Al ...金属材料第4章二元相图 金属材料第4章二元相图_化学_自然科学_专业资料。金属材料二元相图...? 共晶相图:具有共晶转变的相图。如PbSn、Pb-Sb、Al...