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Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy: Lessons from Ex Vivo Procedures: Rusby JE, Kirstein LJ, Brachtel EF, et al (Massachusetts General Hosp, Boston) Breast J 14:464-470, 2008doi:10.1016/S1043-321X(09)79280-XR.M.SimmonsSDOSBreast Diseases A Year Book Quarterly...
Methods Data were collected via cross﹕ectional survey of internationally educated nurses (n = 1186) who were immigrants, permanent residents and employed as regulated nurses. Multiple linear regression was employed to examine the influence of the type of financial assistance (personal resources, ...
选择的是美商海盗船Carbide Air系列的280X,双仓结构,三面透明设计。 外包装一面是结构概念图,另一面是爆炸式结构图。 侧面是主要参数列表。 360°动图来一张。 正面标配2个LL120 RGB风扇,这个风扇带有32颗led灯珠,外圈一样有灯效。 280X除了大面积的透明钢化玻璃侧透,顶部和前面板也是透明钢化玻璃材质的,I/O...
Test results of vacuum fusion using the durarc nonconsumable electrode: A R Vaia et al,Vide (161), Sept/Oct 1972, 204–209 (in French)doi:10.1016/0042-207X(73)92280-XCROSSREFVacuum
Atmosphere-dependent stability and mobility of catalytic Pt single atoms and clusters on γ-Al2O3 Atomically dispersed metals promise the ultimate catalytic efficiency, but their stabilization onto suitable supports remains challenging owing to their aggregation tendency. Focusing on the industrially-...
TiO2 coated with a silicon compound, Al2O3 and/or ZrO2, and optionally an acid; and polyvinyl butyral, a polar ethylene copolymer or an ethylene copolymer ... Disclosed is a composition comprising or produced from nanoparticle-sized TiO 2 , an ethylene copolymer or ionomer of the ethylene ...