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1408. Energy of electrons emitted from metal surface heated by pulsed irradiation: B V Bondarenko et al, Rep of Moscow Phys-tech Inst of Radiotech and Electronics, Part 2, 1973, 27–32 (in Russian)doi:10.1016/0042-207X(74)92260-XELSEVIER...
The angular distribution has been measured for the 3+ and 2+ ground state doublet in 28Al with the heavy-ion charge exchange reaction 28Si(18O, 18F)28Al at the incident beam energy of 56 MeV. It has been analyzed in terms of the microscopic one-step direct charge exchange model and ...
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Si incorporation in AlxGa1−x As grown by molecular beam epitaxy: T J Drummond et al,J Vac Sci Technol, 21 (4), 1982, 957–960doi:10.1016/0042-207X(85)90260-XELSEVIERVacuum
摘要: Recent studies have indicated a possible link between risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer to an increased prevalence of erectile dysfunction. Smoking, weight, and exercise were all assessed in respect to erectile dysfunction in a study conducted by Bacon et al....