A retrospective cohort study has revealed an association between recovery of kidney function after an episode of acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with normal baseline kidney function and increased risk of incident chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage 3. Over a median follow-up of 2.5 years, ...
2012年全球肾脏疾病预后改善组织( Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes,KDIGO)将既往RIFLE(Risk,Injury,Failure,Loss,End-Stage Renal Disease)标准和AKIN( Acute Kidney Injury Network)标准结合起来推出统一的AKI诊断标准,以提高AKI诊断的敏感性,但KDIGO对于AKI的定义依据的仍然是功能标志物异常(血肌酐升高或少尿)...
2.有慢性肾脏病病史AKI诊断标准慢性肾脏病根底上AKI〔acuteonchronic kidneyinjury,AonC〕是指患者在原有慢性肾脏病〔chronic kidneydisease,CKD〕的根底上由于各种原因所导致的短期内肾小球滤过率迅速下降的一组临床综合征。诊断标准为:凡有CKD病史者,由于各种原因导致的在48h内血清肌酐较原根底水平迅速升高≥50%〔...
including the immune system response and cell metabolic reprogramming in the kidney. Continuous and severe stimulation can lead to cell death, organ failure, and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Moreover, different responses to cell repair determine different prognoses. Some cells are ...
Renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) was used to induce a mouse model of AKI-CKD transition. We used verteporfin (VP), a pharmacological inhibitor of YAP, to treat post-IRI mice for a period, and evaluated the influence of YAP inhibition on long-term outcomes of AKI. In our results, severe...
Among the 15 patients who were FR negative, 13 (86.7%) progressed to AKI stage 3, while six (40%) required RRT. On the other hand, among 36 patients who were FR positive, only four (11%) progressed to AKI stage 3 and two (5.6%) required RRT (Table 4). Table 3 Characteristics ...
Modification of diet in renal disease OR: Odds ratio RIFLE: Risk, injury, failure, loss of kidney function and end-stage renal disease RR: Relative risk RRT: Renal replacement therapy sCr: serum creatinine References Lassnigg A, Schmid ER, Hiesmayr M, Falk C, Druml W, Bauer P,...
Therefore, RIPK3/MLKL-dependent necroptosis in renal tubular cells is the predominant factor in initiation of IRI and then secondarily triggers the inflammation, which could accelerate necroptosis in a positive feedback loop and promoted the progression of IRI to CKD. However, in late stage, 14 ...
AKI, which is defined as sudden kidney failure followed by sudden kidney damage, is independently associated with an increased risk of death and the development of CKD and end stage renal disease (ESRD)1,2. Recent epidemiological and experimental studies have demonstrated that AKI contributes to th...