ACJ320neo G-KELT is owned by Acropolis Aviation. A distinctive new aircraft, offers unparalleled performance and cabin comfort.
The ACJ319neo and ACJ320neo are offering expansive cabin space, advanced technology, and exceptional comfort for unparalleled business travels.
The ACJ320neo can fly 25 passengers in its pressurised flat floor cabin around 6,000 nm for more than 13 hours non stop, linking London to Beijing or Moscow to Los Angeles. Another VIP variant, the ACJ320 Prestige, has a passenger capacity of up to 30. There is more interior space tha...
For more information onAirbus ACJ320 jet charters, please submit your details or call us directly at1-888-987-5387with any questions regarding group air charter services on this and similar VIP airliners. * Average hourly rates vary depending on make, model and year; amenities, routing and sch...
Airbus ACJ 320 Neo - Performance Performance: Range / Payload: Range (NBAA 4Pax IFR Reserves 200 NM Alt):6,000 Max Payload:31,757 Payload Full Fuel:4,243 Private Jet Runway Performance (Feet): TO Sea Level ISA:6,920 Private Jet Speeds: ...
4C.2.2 ACJ330neo A corporate jet version of the new A330neo capable of flying 25 passengers 19,260 km (10,400 nmi; 11,970 mi) or 21 hours, enough to fly non-stop from Europe to Australia.[117] 参考译文:A330neo的新型公务机版本可搭载25名乘客飞行19,260公里(10,400海里;11,970英里)...
Comlux has taken delivery of the first of three ACJ320neo¹ aircraft, which will now enter VIP cabin-outfitting by Comlux Completion in Indianapolis. It is the largest customer for the ACJ320neo Family, which has already won a total of 11 orders. ...
“New engines and Sharklets enable the ACJ320neo Family to link even more of the world nonstop, in a large and comfortable cabin that is the envy of other business jet manufacturers,” said ACJ President Benoit Defforge. The ACJ319neo can fly eight passengers 6,750 nm/12,500 km or 15...
Airbus’ 2020 gross orders by August 31st totalled 370 aircraft with net orders of 303, after the year’s cancellations. The company registered 1 new order for an ACJ320neo and no cancellations in August.
The first Airbus ACJ320neo is being prepped for first flight after rolling out of the company's final assembly facility in Hamburg, Germany. (Photo: Airbus) ByChad Trautvetter• Online Editor August 16, 2018 The first Airbus Corporate Jets ACJ320neo rolled off the production line this week...